Wednesday, 2 March 2011


The Social Network showed us a side of the facebook creator that many of us probably didn't know about. It gave us almost an in-depth look at what it takes to be a money-making entrepreneur in todays market. An idea and the ability to bring that idea into fruition. Also, the most important part is getting there first. But possibly at the cost of alienating yourself from your friends and family. Almost giving us reasons not to become rich and powerful. But there is good to be taken away from it.
It wasn't the first social network site, there was sconex, myspace, and many others before it but it offered more than they could. Perhaps facebook will lose its novelty shortly and we will be talking about it in terms of the past. But for the moment, you can't go many places on the web without some mention of it trying to link to your facebook profile. Because facebook's primary focus is to be representative of your online life. An encyclopedia of what the online customer is. What your interested in, how you go on about your daily life, and the friends that you want to share experiences with.
When myspace was the bigger name, you would hear people talk about myspace as being the place for meeting new people, possibly befriending them even when you don't know them or haven't met them before. Whereas facebook was a place for catching up with old friends and not accepting people that you havn't met or at least have a common friend. But now I think that dynamic has changed a bit. Everyday facebook is growing and you hear more people creating business contacts through facebook.
However, I must pose a question. Is facebook apart of this ongoing problem of people losing facetime? Sure its convenient but what if you had to go without some of these things for a week, could you survive? We should ask if we are being driven towards a society that is completely dependent upon its technology? I had a blackout for 2 days last summer, and I found those two days to be tough. Not being connected to the internet or able to watch tv was a problem that I couldn't wait to get fixed. People used to live without these things everyday and it seems we cant live without them for an hour.

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