Wednesday 30 March 2011


Since we're on the topic of dreams and nightmares, I will share another one. This one happened when I was very very little and I still remember it, maybe not the exact details but I do remember it and it scares me that I still do.

If I can recall, I was probably about 10 or younger and back then we had bunk beds in my room and I always slept on the top bunk. For some reason I had to run down my bed and into the bathroom while these birds were chasing me. I went into the bathroom and fell on the floor and the birds came in closer to me and pecked me and I woke up.

I'm not sure of the reason for this dream but it scared me and I'm surprised I still remember it to this day. Speaking of birds, this was before I watched the movie Birds and this was before I became afraid of pigeons. Sometimes I think this dream was a premonition of my future. I am terrified of pigeons because one time my brother scared one and it flew right in my face. But that's off topic. Yes, good old nightmares. I rarely have them *knock on wood*

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