Saturday 26 March 2011


"See Martin, see Malcolm You see Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome See Jesus, see Judas; see Caesar, see Brutus See success is like suicide, Suicide, it's a suicide If you succeed, prepare to be crucified" This quote is one of my favorites of all time. For my next couple of blogs I will be going into some depth about some interesting quotes I've found and tried to mold my life around. This particular quote is one that I find very interesting because it holds so much truth in relation to people mentioned in it. Though they all existed in completely different time periods they all lost their lives to the timeless subject of success and what it means outside of the positive connotations associated with it.

The inclusion of Jesus, Judas, Caesar, and Brutus is what sticks out to me the most because they embody individuals whose success was hampered with by people they considered to be close with. I find the relations I have with people to be very important and because of that I surround myself with a very small circle of people I call friends. I consider myself who wants to and will eventually be very successful and its essential that I observe those people who choose to be there for me in the present as I build toward my success. I also try to remember that I myself don't consumed with getting success because like the quote say, success can be suicide.

I often ask myself if i personally define success could I make myself immune to the Brutus's and Judas's of the world. I've currently not been able to answer that question but hope that I can at some point in my life.

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