Friday 25 March 2011


So I built my PC quite a few years ago and it's still holding out but it's no where as powerful as other machines I see today. This goes to show you how fast Technology has changed This computer when i built it was worth over 1500 dollars. Now if you go into a bestbuy it would probably not even be worth 600 bucks. Technology runs at such a rapid pace that we must realize that if we don't adapt to our ever so changing environment that we will be for lack of better terms.."Left in the cyber dust".

It's gotten to the point where people even started tossing out there old tech. I'm not ashamed to say a few weeks ago I saw a nice 15 inch LCD monitor on the curb and i picked it up, threw it in the trunk and brought it home. The screen still works fine and now I am dual Screening. People need to understand that although technology is moving fast and it is required to adapt to your technological environment, it does not mean to get rid off or think less of past tech. It is all still tech and it is all still useful.

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