Saturday 26 March 2011

Left & Right Brain

In pre-k and kindergarten, our teachers wanted us to do arts and craft, paint, and play dress up. This was to help us with our motor skills that were still developing at a young age. This is the reason why we learned not to write with our entire arm or wrist but just with simple movements of our fingers. At a young age, we were also exercising our right brain, our creative side.

As much as schools try to integrate both sides of the brain into our curriculum, I feel that I was always using my left brain in high school and when I came to college. My parents were always "pro left brain" meaning all they wanted me to do in life was to be successful in the math and sciences. I loved science in high school but when I came to Stony Brook, I hated it. It was entirely memorization in all my science classes and I hated that because I never knew the reason behind what I was doing. As much as we need to utilize our left brain, I would prefer using my right brain more.

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