Sunday 27 March 2011

Thoughts on Limitless

This weekend I went to the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro. Now I enjoyed the movie and some of Bradley Cooper's many quirks. Basically he plays a writer who faces massive writer's block which can cost him his deal on his new release as well as an unstable relationship with his girlfriend who is actually his bank for the time being. He meets his ex-brother-in-law who is a drug dealer that gives him a test of a pill that he stole called NZT that would allow one to use 100% of our brain since we usually use 20% of it. After using it he was able to finish 90 pages in a few days, clean his messy apartment, as well as sleep with his landlord's girlfriend. He decides to meet his ex-brother-in-law again and finds him dead after being order to get his dry cleaning and breakfast. He goes the brother in law's apartment hoping to find the drug and eventually finds it. He decides that he can do greater things with this drug and decides to borrow 100000 dollars to invest in the stock market. Using algorithms he became an infamous broker and even named a god. Eventually conflicts begin to happen as the developers of the drug is sending a man to track him and kill him. Also the man that he owes money to has a taste of this drug and wants more of it which also threatens his life.
The plot of this movie is really impressive but there are just too many plotholes. I mean a man that claimed he had a 4 digit iq didn't think of making more of these drugs till later on in the story when his life was almost at risk beforehand? Also he murdered a some people but his alibi and cover ups seem too easy and quick for him to get away and he was able to run for Senator. Also the ending seems rather abrupt in my opinion. Considering I usually watch movies where the main character eventually fights his most opposed threat at the end, all he did was fight 2 goons and the man he owed money too. Skipped 12 months and he's running for senate. If I were to rate this movie I'd give it a 70% it was a great movie to watch and a little sickening in some points however there were too many plot holes that bothered me.

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