Saturday 26 March 2011

& the verdict is.. emergency surgery

I went to go meet the surgeon and he seems like a nice guy... but I got bad news. I'm screwed. I've had 4 "attacks" last week, including one right before the film class, and no more painkillers... oh and the best part... next time I have an attack.. off to the hospital I go for emergency surgery.

I found out it's extremely difficult to concentrate while on painkillers... I almost ran out of my organic chemistry exam on wednesday because the pain was kicking my butt. So I'm aiming for April 14th for the surgery but most likely it'll be much sooner. At least my mother likes the surgeon. He said he has 300 surgeries before me so I'm glad he knows his stuff.

I'm happy it's going to get done but it's still surgery so inside.. I'd rather run and hide. I'm more worried about missing classes than anything else I guess. But on the upside, if I have the surgery early I'll be able to move around during spring break and actually do something... like go to the city and enjoy the sunshine.

My friend was supposed to come over this weekend but my mother had dibs. Now, I can't go too far from home (+ the hospital) but I have to. On the upside, I got my Ipad 2. I'm just so tired lately I haven't been able to play with it as much as I had wanted to. From what I do know about it, I love it. Now, I just need a case. That's usually the most difficult part.

I'm (or more like my friends) already making post surgery plans. So far, I have a trip to Hooter's planned for buffalo wings and beer.

I just don't want people to worry. I found out my grandmother wasn't told so she wouldn't worry, I worry enough about this whole thing for everyone. Now I clued my boyfriend in on what the doctor said and he's worried. We're all a mess.

What a wonderful weekend hmm. At least the doctor said it must be hereditary because I'm fairly normal sized weight wise. I work so hard to take care of myself and genetics bites me in the butt. Life's not fair.

#17.. I really need to catch up on my writing and post up my ideas but for now.. I get to attempt to eat and probably another nap.

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