Monday 21 March 2011

Aaron D. Neufeld- Blog #19

BLOG POST #19- Friends Are Busboys

One of my favorite movies if a cult-classic film from 1986 directed by Rob Reiner called Stand By Me. The film is the coming-of-age story of a few pre-adolescent boys who take a trip together and have their first real taste of life and experience a loss of innocence as they are exposed to the real world outside of their small town. The film focuses on the theme of friendship. There are four protagonists in the film. These are four best friends that do everything together. They are the closest people in the world to one another. They mean the world to each other.

It seemed their friendships would always last. When you share your life with someone and become so close to someone for many years at a time, how could you ever lose touch with that person and have a friendship that strong fade? The truth hurts. Because the truth is that it most definitely can. At the film’s conclusion we learn that all four of the friends soon grew apart as they aged and their close friendships became only memories. The main character says at the end of the film, a quotation that sticks with me forever. “It happens sometimes. Friends move in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant.”

The quote echoes deep within my mind. I reflect on the close friends I’ve had. There have been some friends who I’ve even loved. There have been people in my life who I’ve cherished and who I’d do anything for. I’ve cried over them. I’ve changes my plans to spend time with them when they needed me. I’ve gone out of my way to make them happy. These were people who I knew I could never live without. They meant the world to me. And before I knew it, they were out of my life. They simply slipped away. These were friends who just one year ago, would linger in my thoughts during my personal time and my school week, even if I wasn’t around them. Now they’ve moved on. I’ve moved on. Everyone moves on. And these best friends, I miss them dearly but they just aren’t there anymore. They moved in and out of my life, just like busboys in a restaurant.

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