Monday 21 March 2011

Aaron D. Neufeld- Blog #20

BLOG POST #20- MoBlue Tech

I have a friend I was close with in high school who recently became the CEO of his very own company. He attends Michigan University and has a major dealing with the social media. He is big on technology and always was. He had the very first iPod as soon as it came out back when we were in middle school. Since college, he has always been the first to get all of the newest technologies out there—especially the tech of Apple. This guy idolizes Steve Jobs. His first computer was a high-end macbook pro and he always has the latest iPod. He also has an iPad and is constantly posting information on his blog about the new iPad 2 and other gadgets.

A few months ago, he decided to put his interests and talents to real use and started up his own company. He is currently without funding but I actually recommended COS to him. I feel like grants can really help him take off. His company, called MoBlue Tech, has created an application for the iPhone, which will allow those with speech issues and communication issues to communicate properly. The app will be able to form words, sentences, and phrases by simple touch insteaf of verbal cues. This will allow those with issues to be able to carry on a full phone conversation just as anyone else.

My friend has even linked up with a non-profit organization in his hometown in New York called Kulanu. This organization is one for children and teens with special needs. Working together with Kulanu, he hopes to introduce the MoBlue tech app to students in the Kulanu, program which could be only the beginning to an amazing journey.

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