Sunday 20 March 2011

No Tomorrow

We will inevitably be the reason for our own extinction. Nothing good can come of reason, logic and knowledge. Our abilities to understand and coherently think logical thoughts, memorize facts and have complex emotions have only complicated the nature of life. To begin, we can see how our knowledge and ability to create is only destroying the environment. Next, our emotions get in the way of living life. We spend so much time emotionally involving ourselves in personal matters, that are, well, personal and irrelevent in the long run.

The more knowledge we have, the greater the technology we use in everyday life becomes. These technologies are intended fascilitate our lives by making it easier. The problem arises here, in this very idea. The greater our technologies, the more more complicated our lives become. Take dating for example, the introduction of the world wide web has made dating much more difficult. Surely, one can argue that the internet has brought the world closer together as instant mass communication can easily take place. However, it also rips people apart from one another. People have become less social in-real-life situations; real emotions are expressed as one hides behind their avatars; even normal communication begins to take place in txt form. We are losing the ability and skill to properly express ourselves in person. Meeting people becomes difficult as people choose to stay in their iPod bubbles; the only forms of social gatherings people become active at seems to be at bars. The kindness of everyday people seems to be diminishing.

The way we sort through our emotions and the strains we put on our emotions are also taking a toll due to advancements in technology. The ability to stalk someone has become so easy and norm to the everyday. You meet someone, add them on facebook, and suddenly you know their interests, their friends, their hobbies and their previous week's activities. This was all once part of "getting to know someone", but is now public information. I have seen a rise in jealousy and skepticism in people because of social networking sites such as facebook. I don't think this is healthy for one's mentality. We're just going to keep destroying ourselves by worrying about petty things instead of remembering what's most important in life; to live it.

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