Wednesday 30 March 2011

Stony Brook Kids

Stony Brook kids....children...worthless students, how you amaze me in your attitude. The students here...they are one of a kind. They amuse me in their lack of fun, respect, humor. It seems as if everyone here is in their own bubble and won't want to talk to anyone, but their own "image" or basically their self. I have met so many rude people here that have the biggest personal bubble around them.

My biggest annoyance is holding the door. Some of these kids here, that when you hold the door for them you get no "thank you" or would they even hold the door open for you. Everyone here seems to judge people and if you approach them to just start a conversation you are looked at if you have three heads. I guess its because I picked an Long Island school that I should of known this would happen. I feel like once you live on an island your mind and attitude are the first to go. Everyone that I meet here lives on this pathetic island and run home to mommy & daddy for the weekend because its too tough to have fun and be social.

The social and "fun" at this school...dead. I never been to a college where staying on weekends BLOW. How can you have a dead weekend when you're in college!? Are you kidding me!? You are away from home, allowed to make all the mistakes and memories without mommy and daddy holding your hands and you give that up?! I hate how this school is pathetic in that department.

I feel that I can not wait to leave this school and practically to never return to this island. It is not worth $6.50 to cross that bridge and enter a miserable island. If I want to spend the money and visit a US island it will be Hawaii.

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