Friday 1 April 2011

Skip a beat ~

Late night blog only because something crazy just happend to me. My heart just stopped for a second. Or more. I was just frozen staring at the computer screen. Someone sent me something and I read it and I just froze, not knowing what to do, what to say, what to think. I think that's the first time I ever really felt like that, ever. Maybe. Not knowing what to do or say.

Ahhh, emotions and feelings, why must you be so complicated. So the clever me, came up with something on the spot and made it less weird because I really had no clue what to say. But my question for everyone is: how do you know when feelings are genuine? How do you know you really like a person and are interested in them? Can't it just be that you like the IDEA OF THEM and not them as an individual? Just some things to think about becuase I have no clue what I feel right now. It's all a big big mess in my tiny tiny body.

Anyways, another random thing. I CAN'T STOP SHOPPING. I hate how like I can go months without buying anything then once I start, I can't stop for a whole month. This past week I spent over 200$ on clothes and things I don't really need. I MUST SAVE UP if I want to go places and do things this summer. This shopping addiction ends NOW :D

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