Saturday 23 April 2011

Dear RL,

A letter to you...

Dear RL,

I am really rreally really to have met you so long ago. I really don't know how life would be without you. You are like there for me for everything and there to help me whenever I have a problem. You listen to my stupid stories about nothing and my problems about people. I used to go to you and tell you all my problems, boy problems but lately, I really don't have any. And I feel like after I broke up with G, I don't really share much with anyone anymore. It's like the less people know the better but I hope you don't take offense. It's not you, I just am not as open about my troubles as I used to be.

What else can I say about you? I know you're probably going to read this soon, maybe. You creep! I can't believe you typed it into Google and you actually found it. OMG, I was shocked. It's so embarassing having people read my blogs, like inner hidden feelings that are all coming out, ahhh! Horrible. But you can read this, it is dedicated to you. I am really thankful for finding you as a friend. When I met you in Kelly quad the last week of freshman year. I can't believe you were surprised when Thomas, Hui, and Sayed had girls over in their room. Haha, good times.

I do wish we can go back to those good days. Carefree freshman days but we are moving into Senior year, time moves so fast. It's so crazy. I really hope we keep in touch when we graduate and I do miss our random trips to 7-11 to get Slurpees! Let's have more of those, actually wait I dont think I want to go to 7-11 after my wallet incident. I'm forever sad D: but yeah, good times. Thank you for being such a good friend.


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