Thursday 28 April 2011

spring break

Spring break is always that time of year that everyone looks forward to. The weather outside is finally starting to get nice; everyone is tired of school and the end is coming up soon; for some, graduation is right around the corner. So spring break is the time for a lot of people to just relax and take it all in before the final stretch.

Unfortunately for me, my spring break had been anything but relaxing and joyful. I had a genetics test the day after spring break. Of course, I have to pass, and do well in genetics to go to medical school so there was a lot of pressure on me for this test. So my spring break has been pretty stressful to say the least.

Pretty much every night I have been spending at least 3 hours studying for this (stupid) test. It's pretty annoying to have a test right after spring break actually. You'd figure that the professors would do what it takes to avoid such a situation so that we could at least enjoy our spring breaks. O well, the joys of being a pre med student. In some way, it probably has some benifit because it prepares me for the vigor of med school in the future.

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