Monday 25 April 2011

My dreams

Lately I have been having extensive long real- like dreams. Somethings I even dream about text message conversations and later on i have to check my phone to see if they really happened. Its really strange. One time I checked my phone to see if a text message really occured a week later and it turns out it did. It kinda scares me that I am not seperated reality vs. dreams very well as far as text messaging goes. I wonder if thats normal. I know that alot of times people dream about bizarre things and made up people that they have never consciously seen before. I havent had a dream like that in a while I have been dreaming about fights with my boyfriend or mom and talks with my friends. Alot of times I even dream about work. I dream that I have 4 tables waiting for their food yelling and I cant get it to them. I came to the conclusion that I dream about work when I am stressed..but I am not stressed about work. I just manifest my stress into a stressful dream about a bad night at work.
Alot of people would say its normal but I have been dreaming ever night and I used to never remember my dreams.
One theory suggests that dreams serve as a means for cleansing and release. During the day, we may hold back our feelings and repress our anger. Thus dreams serve as a safe outlet for us to release our negative emotions. Another theory says that dreams is a biologically necessary aspect of sleep. Research has shown that people who were prevented from entering the dream state and woken up before they can dream were more easily irritated, jittery, and performed far below average.
So maybe it is a good thing afterall. I think I just have alot more going on right now then I did before

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