Wednesday 27 April 2011

Death & Sleep: The misconception

"I never sleep, cause sleep is the cousin of death". "Life is the bitch, and death is her sister sleep is the cousin, what a family picture you know father time, we all know mother nature it's all in the family, but I am of no relation". The latter is two quotes that imply that death is in close relation to sleep. In a very literal sense the two are similar in that the eyes are closed and there's a very decreased sense of whats going around you but in my opinion that's where I feel the comparisons end. If I had to compare something to death it would be a coma or unconsciousness.

I guess my biggest reason for my disagreement is that the recommendation for many health ailments is rest. When someone is stressed or looking unhealthy many times doctors recommend increased sleep. I give examples because both examples use sleep as a method for energizing and recovering one's self. Death or dying on the other hand is the rapid lost of energy with the chances of recovery unlikely.When I lay to sleep at night the last thing on my mind is the relief i made it to another night to actually be able to sleep. Its when I wake the next morning that I am concerned as to whether death will come during my day. As for those people who may die in their sleep, I doubt they go to bed with the intentions of dying but with intention of waking with a renewed energy.

In essence I feel looking at death in relation to sleep is somewhat of a pessimistic outlook on life in general. In general life is disturbing and hectic but I'd like to think that peace and relaxation of sleep doesn't have the notion of my funeral looming nearby each time my head hits my pillow.

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