Monday 25 April 2011

Procrast...I'll finish it later

Yeah yeah yeah, I told myself that I was slacking and would make it all up over the Spring Break. Well, here I am the night before class deciding to blog. I realize I have avoided making my film rather then just doing it. Tomorrow I will put it together and hopefully get it posted before class. I decided I was going to do my fiction film on letting life pass you by. Window shopping for something that's out there when everything is already right in front of you and all you have to do is go out there and do it.

It is one of the reasons I went back to school. I already had my AAS and worked, owned a business, raised a family and yet I wasn't satisfied because I always wanted to earn my degree. Some people thinks it's hard to do...go back to school...but I am glad I did. (Although I have to admit I am pretty burnt out at this point.

I am trying to stay focused and finish school even though the after graduation part is scaring the hell out of me. Most of my friends know "who they are" or "what they want" How can I be 40 years old (yes, I said it--I AM 40!) and still not know what I want to be when I grow up. One thing for sure is I know that I am not a film maker.

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