Friday 25 March 2011

Blackhat Marketing

So Blackhat marketing in my eyes was i thought something that was highly frowned upon in the world of search engine optimization however I learned by speaking with some of the world most successful internet marketers that they either have used blackhat tactics before or are currently still using blackhat tactics. This came to a big surprise that these professionals and very RICH and successful people in this realm admitted to that. So I started thinking hey, Why not jump into the black hat realm.

For those of you who are not familiar with what blackhat is, it's in simpler terms "hacking", and in the case to SEO, its hacking your way to the highest rankings for google which in this case means, more sales, more traffic, more money for advertisement. So sometime when you think one thing maybe get a second opinion about it because it could be the difference between make a few bucks to a few million.

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