Wednesday 30 March 2011

First Relationship

My first relationship. I will not lie and will admit it was a disaster! It all began in middle school where I met her through my friend. The funny part is I dated her after my best friend (which I am still good friends with today) "broke up" with her. I was very excited because I was about 13 years old and in middle school. Just the sense of having a girlfriend made me feel amazing. Once I had her it was the weirdest feeling. I had no idea what to do, how to act, or what to say while around her. As we progressed on it started to be alright.

Later as the relationship went through these weird feelings in my stomach would come about, was it love? Did I actually "love" someone? at this young? It is the stupidest feeling when I think about it now, but back than I was in "love". I remember one time in my basement I was about to have my first makeout session I thought Id die. I thought I was not allowed to do this for awhile so I freaked out. I feel so dumb to think that now, but eh I was young. Finally getting over it and telling my friends I actually kissed a girl and maybe coped a feel I thought I was the man. my whole world change and the worst part was...I became attached!

From there on things got worse, jealously (which I never knew I had) would settle in and some controlling. Eventually as this continued it got worse and lead to my first being cheated on experience. She cheated about multiple times with me, but I insisted to stay. I actually kept a on and off relationship with her till I was about 16 years old.

Looking back at this...I realize why all the hassle? why worry and have stupid feelings of jealously. It is all about experience and to live life. But going through a relationship...some tough times and new experiences I thought i'd never see.

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