Monday 21 March 2011

Aaron D. Neufeld- Blog #18

BLOG POST #18- Homophobes

I have a lot of very close friends who are homophobes. It is strange for me to deal with that. Within my own family, I have a lesbian cousin who is married, after having a legal wedding in Canada, and with three adopted children. I knew this cousin since birth and I have grown up with a very understanding and open feeling for homosexuals and respecting other peoples’ wishes and the way they decide to lead their own lives. I have also made a friend in the past year who is gay and whom I am very close with.

Then I have my other friends. Straight friends. I love some of these friends very much. We’ve known each other for many years and we have a lot in common and always have good times together. But when discussion about homosexuals comes up, these friends become very judgmental. Some take a step back and claim they don’t care at all about how gay people choose to lead their lives. But others publicly denounce homosexual lifestyle. One of my closest friends said that gay people should do whatever they want on their own time but not in public and that they should not be allowed to adopt children because then that child has a “fucked up” life from then on. It hurts to hear such close friends say such things when I am just as close with others in my life who are gay.

I don’t know how to deal with that. I tried to explain to some friends my point of view and tried to make them understand how I see it or how homosexual people may see it. But they won’t listen. And I don’t know how to feel when my closest friends say such horrific things that make me ashamed to associate myself with them. It’s something I have thought about and acted upon more than once before for the past few months but I just don’t know where to go with it…

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