Sunday 27 March 2011

Concentrations of the class

I enjoy this class however I think (in my opinion) should be a little bit more revised. The class revolves more or less around conversing about the "AmericanT" mentality and how our world has changed due to technology and so on. Although this is definitely "Conversation Topic worthy" I think considering that this is Media Theory and Criticism Class that we should also be taking part into the Media Part. I do enjoy the conversations and debates we have in the class but when our grade is based on our productions and blog posts I feel we should concentrate more on the technical part of creating media for our productions. The blog posts should be and i believe are being evaluated for content and I feel like a lot of it should be concentrated about Media, so the productions we do we should at least have an idea about how to go about it.

Some people in the class have never in their life opened a program as simple as Movie maker, or garage band. If we did a few tutorials on like Final Cut, 3dsMax, Logic, just more of the high end Programs maybe people will have an idea of how to go about the assignments and maybe we can see some higher quality productions.

I don't know just me two cents. As much as I love the discussions I would love to learn a more technical aspect of the media creation process.

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