Monday 21 March 2011

half way

Wow, half way through the 50 blogs already, which means half way through the semester and only 2 more months until graduation . Half way through the last part of college. It's kind of a scary thought. I haven't really put things into perspective yet. I'm just pretty much coasting along and not really thinking about graduation and all that comes with it.

This whole idea of halves had me thinking about what would happen if we all put half effort into everything we do rather than trying to our full potential. To be frank, life in general would just not be as fulfilling. Everything would be 50% less appealing, less cool, less dramatic, less everything. It's a pretty interesting thought and it really makes you appreciate it when you see people putting in a great effort into things.

A few things that I thought of about being half way were the technological advancements that we would be at right now. If everyone only tried to 50% of their potential, we'd all probably be driving Ford Model T cars right now. We'd probably be walking around with beepers strapped to our belts (if we even had belts). We would be walking miles to the nearest well to get water and then walk miles back, only to have to boil it to get rid of the bacteria. We would be hanging around a fire at night to stay warm because the great minds that invented indoor heating would not have done so because of their half effort. Just putting things into perspective.

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