Wednesday 23 March 2011

Teen Pregnancy

A couple of years ago i admit it, when i saw a pregnant teenage girl walking through the hall of my high school i had a stereotype of how she ended up in that situation. "she's a slut, she doesn't know how to use a condom, her life is over" those were some of the things that raced through mt head. Truly I regret even thinking some of those things because i was being an ignorant youth who did not know much. Last year an acquittance of mine found out she was pregnant. i've know her for my whole life really and I was shocked. she never was the dumb girl or the slut of the school she was as normal as they come really. she had been in a long stable relationship for years since i knew her to call her out of her name because she was pregnant was totally wrong so I changed my ways. now that her son is bout 9 months old she is more then happy to be a mom with a beautiful, healthy, happy little boy.

The MTV shows '16 and pregnant' and 'Teen mom' are often looked upon as the real deal when it comes to raising a baby at a young age. after conversing with my friend about being a teen mother she tells me otherwise. I respect teenage moms who give up their childhood to raise their own children. It takes a lot to raise a kid when you are still a kid yourself. though it would not be my choice to have a child at the age of 18 or 19, my friend tells me that her choice to keep her baby was not a selfish act but a selfless one. why should she deny her child the opportunity of life when her child has done nothing wrong.

I am a firm believer that a woman should have the right to choose if she wishes to carry their pregnancy to full term. it's a delicate dilemma in which i hope to never find myself caught. it'd be hard to give up all that i have worked for in highschool and college for a child but on he other hand as my friend told me it's a selfless act of love. My mother often will shake her head when she sees pregnant teenagers, i often remind her that she is not familiar with their situations and be happy for the expectant mother. it kills me when people say just because a girl has a child at a young age it will make her a bad mother, it's not an age thing that makes a bad mother it's a personal thing.

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