Saturday 26 March 2011

The Richest Man

If I asked you about the richest people in our current day you'd probably mention Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates at some point in the conversation and In economical terms you'd absolutely correct. If given the chance to have the question reciprocated I'd answer with a favorite quote of mine,"The richest man isn't the one with his 1st dollar, its the one who still has his first friend". So many blogs I've seen tackle the idea of pink collar work or college debt or home ownership, all things related to economical standing and in a very shallow sense all related to pursuing riches. I say this because college debt is something some students face and its long process associated with paying it off. It also doesn't help that there's a common belief that attaining a pink collar job wont really help in getting those loans paid off any quicker and most definitely wont get you close to home ownership. It is instead believed a road to riches could solve all three at once.

Attaining wealth is no doubt a solution to the things I just mentioned but at what cost does it come. What does a constant pursuit of more do to the moral fabric of a person. Furthermore are the the struggles and work ethic needed to pay off college debt what make us resilient and relate-able humans beings. I sometimes believe that with riches comes some lost of the human experience because certain life conditions and scenarios are never experienced. A rich man wants for nothing and therefore may not know how to appreciate the simple things that promote longevity in relationships between people. I think a person working to pay off a college debt or work a low paying job has the opportunity to come across people who will show their character by possibly helping you along the way or possibly acting as a constant motivator that pushes you to improve. Such an individual is someone that can be "bought" by a rich person but maybe not attained through genuine process.

I personally would like to live comfortably and make a salary that aids in doing so but never will I forget what I am rooted in because I believe its molded me and served as my biggest motivation to achieve more than what I possess now. I know that if I always keep that in my mind my economical standing may not ever reach the millions or billions but I will always have greater sense of self and ability to relate with and help others.

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