Wednesday 30 March 2011

Stony Brook Kids

Stony Brook kids....children...worthless students, how you amaze me in your attitude. The students here...they are one of a kind. They amuse me in their lack of fun, respect, humor. It seems as if everyone here is in their own bubble and won't want to talk to anyone, but their own "image" or basically their self. I have met so many rude people here that have the biggest personal bubble around them.

My biggest annoyance is holding the door. Some of these kids here, that when you hold the door for them you get no "thank you" or would they even hold the door open for you. Everyone here seems to judge people and if you approach them to just start a conversation you are looked at if you have three heads. I guess its because I picked an Long Island school that I should of known this would happen. I feel like once you live on an island your mind and attitude are the first to go. Everyone that I meet here lives on this pathetic island and run home to mommy & daddy for the weekend because its too tough to have fun and be social.

The social and "fun" at this school...dead. I never been to a college where staying on weekends BLOW. How can you have a dead weekend when you're in college!? Are you kidding me!? You are away from home, allowed to make all the mistakes and memories without mommy and daddy holding your hands and you give that up?! I hate how this school is pathetic in that department.

I feel that I can not wait to leave this school and practically to never return to this island. It is not worth $6.50 to cross that bridge and enter a miserable island. If I want to spend the money and visit a US island it will be Hawaii.


For this class people may agree or disagree with the way you lecture and provide assignments to us. For me, I agree in how this class is run. I love the fact that topics are thrown around and making students actually have to open up instead of being held back like every other class and have information force fed to us. I will agree that some of the ways are confusing to me, like some of your questions confuse me because I didn't read the books you read, but it interests me to hear new opinions.

I like going to class to see the ones who make faces and don't get what the hell is going on in the room. I mean I will admit I get like that too, but it's so interesting to see all this new information and questions thrown at me. I have always said to people I much rather have a class that I can just talk, have no stupid notes, no stupid tests, and actually learn by associating with others.

This school isn't know for much social interaction because of these damn stony brook kids. That is another topic I will bring up later, but being in a classroom that I can hear everyone's voice makes me happy.

stupid girls

This title may make me seem that I do not like girls and that is totally the opposite. When I say stupid girls, I mean legitimate stupid girls. They are the ones that write the dumb facebook statuses that are being unrealistic and corny and have the worst philosophy on life.
They are the girls that have the most traditional views on life and not willing to be open to new things.

An example is my older sister. She is a smart person, yet is stupid in a way that she has a narrow vision about life. If me and her start talking about opinions in life and if I go on a rant and starting bringing in early philosophers ideas, she will look at me with two heads. She will literally call me weird and think I "over analyze things". I think it is me just using knowledge to establish a point, but not in her eyes. She will give stupid little quotes that you will see in a disney movie to describe her ideas. The most corniest sayings used in the world she would think is the best description.

First Relationship

My first relationship. I will not lie and will admit it was a disaster! It all began in middle school where I met her through my friend. The funny part is I dated her after my best friend (which I am still good friends with today) "broke up" with her. I was very excited because I was about 13 years old and in middle school. Just the sense of having a girlfriend made me feel amazing. Once I had her it was the weirdest feeling. I had no idea what to do, how to act, or what to say while around her. As we progressed on it started to be alright.

Later as the relationship went through these weird feelings in my stomach would come about, was it love? Did I actually "love" someone? at this young? It is the stupidest feeling when I think about it now, but back than I was in "love". I remember one time in my basement I was about to have my first makeout session I thought Id die. I thought I was not allowed to do this for awhile so I freaked out. I feel so dumb to think that now, but eh I was young. Finally getting over it and telling my friends I actually kissed a girl and maybe coped a feel I thought I was the man. my whole world change and the worst part was...I became attached!

From there on things got worse, jealously (which I never knew I had) would settle in and some controlling. Eventually as this continued it got worse and lead to my first being cheated on experience. She cheated about multiple times with me, but I insisted to stay. I actually kept a on and off relationship with her till I was about 16 years old.

Looking back at this...I realize why all the hassle? why worry and have stupid feelings of jealously. It is all about experience and to live life. But going through a relationship...some tough times and new experiences I thought i'd never see.


Beer beer beer. I feel older now that I can legally drink beer and have this weird feeling of a turning point in my life. I can just walk in, look at the clerk pull my ID out and say "good day sir" and carry on. I remember being beyond afraid to be drinking a beer when I was "under age", which was like 20 years old. But now that I can legally get my "adult beverages"...where are the risks? where is the fun?

I now see myself as just apart of the system and being a good citizen and just following the law. I remember starting to drink when I was about 17 years old where almost an Adrenaline rush will over come me for doing something that isn't legal. It is such a great feeling because it almost feels that you are unique. I am not being a follower, though people my age were doing it, I was not an average citizen.

I guess what I can say now is that as I get older it seems I flow into the law system and being a good citizen. I am not talking about breaking rules and being a rebel, but just the sense of taking some risks can bring joy into your life.


Since we're on the topic of dreams and nightmares, I will share another one. This one happened when I was very very little and I still remember it, maybe not the exact details but I do remember it and it scares me that I still do.

If I can recall, I was probably about 10 or younger and back then we had bunk beds in my room and I always slept on the top bunk. For some reason I had to run down my bed and into the bathroom while these birds were chasing me. I went into the bathroom and fell on the floor and the birds came in closer to me and pecked me and I woke up.

I'm not sure of the reason for this dream but it scared me and I'm surprised I still remember it to this day. Speaking of birds, this was before I watched the movie Birds and this was before I became afraid of pigeons. Sometimes I think this dream was a premonition of my future. I am terrified of pigeons because one time my brother scared one and it flew right in my face. But that's off topic. Yes, good old nightmares. I rarely have them *knock on wood*

Lucid Nightmare

Dreams dream dreams. It's strange how people say you have dreams every night but somehow I don't seem to remember ANY of them except for my nightmares. For some reason, I always remember my nightmares and I'm not sure why. So this time I will share one of my 'lucid' nightmares.

It starts off in a car on Stony Brook Campus, I do believe. Anyways, I was in the car with my friend and my boyfriend back in the day. We were driving on Circle Road and if you guys are familiar with Circle Road there is one turn by the life sciences building and Roth Quad. So during that turn, the car flipped over and it rolled down a cliff but the strange thing is that there is no ditch or hole to fall into but we did. The car fell down a cliff ...

During the fall I remember looking into my boyfriend's eyes and saying "I love you" and then we crashed and I felt EVERY SINGLE THING. My body actually was aching and I was shivering when I woke up from the nightmare. I actually felt the pain when we finally stopped falling and crashed. It was the strangest feeling ever but I guess now I know how it feels to die..if you want to put it like that. I was kind of creeped out because I actually FELT pain that I hope to never feel. I wouldn't really call it lucid nightmare since I couldn't control what happened in the dream but I just wanted to share because I never actually felt pain to my body from waking up to a nightmare.

PiNk Collar Work continued...

I was 17, it was Valentines day and I was fighting with my boyfriend. I thought we were done for good so instead of going shopping or making a dramatic hair change like any other girl, I figured new life - new job. I was working at small pizzeria at the time making no money. So I went driving around and saw a huge sign saying NOW HIRING at Applebees. I do not know why or if I am the only young girl who thought this, but I always wanted to be a waitress. I thought it was sooo cool for some reason. HAHA ...I laugh at myself now. So I walked into Apple bees and picked up an application. I spoke to one of the employees Brittney who I admired so much because she was mature, blonde ( like I was ), and of course a waitress which I thought was supercool. I just wanted to be like her! So things worked out between my boyfriend and I but I also got the job. Since I was 17 I started off as a Car-side to go employee. Before you know it I was doing whatever I could to start serving. LET me tell you how difficult and how prestigious Apple bees makes Serving tables out to be. I just laugh about it now because the competition was like we were fighting eachother for the position of CEO in a corporate office. Back-stabbing, shit-talking, you name it we did it. I am talking about my fellow Car-Side to go and host employees who also would have dyed to become a Server. Anway of course it eventually happened and before I knew it I was working 4o hours a week and going to school full-time. Now at my new job I work less and make more. At the age of twenty I have to let go my "pink collar job" for a full-time paid internship this summer. Since I just recently became Yoga Instructor certified, I plan to find a job doing that when the summer is up. Thank goodnessss there is more to life then becoming a server at Applebees haha , it still makes me grin. BYE BYE pink collar ..Hopefully forever but I won't put all bets on it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

childreninthesand by robert shilling

Sex before marriage?

The marriage certificate of Minati Khatua and Sitakant Routray

I am not telling anyone to have sex before marriage. Maybe I am just stating beware of the golddiggers? I am just going to paste this little news article I happen to come across. I thought you guys might enjoy the strange but true. I would personally die of mortification if this happened to me before I let it reach the world news.

4:46PM GMT 22 Dec 2010
For six months, Minati Khatua, 27, from Rourkela, Orissa, India, was told by her husband, who gave the name Sitakant Routray, that they could not consumate their marriage because "he" was observing a religious ritual.
She allegedly discovered her husband's secret when walking in on her spouse in the bath.
"I thought he was devout and respectful of me. But when I walked into the bathroom there was no mistaking that my husband was 100 per cent a woman," she told police, who have launched a fraud investigation. The husband has since disappeared.
Police believe the groom may have posed as a man to take advantage of the dowry that is traditionally presented upon marriage. The dowry reportedly included a car, gold ornaments and some £350 in cash.

The Stony Brook Phone Call

This undergrad calls me to ask for money to donate to the "Parents for Students" Donation, where my parents-> The struggling minorities, are to donate what little money they have to a school where we already pay full tuition because we aren't poor enough for financial aid. This isn't the first time I have been called from Stony Brook asking for a DONATION. So I say to the girl on the line.. "I am sure you have some sort of list that you scroll down and call each one, speaking to parents, asking for their hard earned money, now can you get me off of it?" She says "NO, I would have to speak with your parent, so I won't get in trouble with my supervisor" I decide to be an asshole. I know what your thinking, its not her fault.. but you know what she decided to take on this awesome job for whatever student council club memeber she is and I have a gut feeling this chick on the phone's parents have donated a hefty fund to our "PARENTS FOR STUDENTS" little donation club. So I ask her.. Are you midterms? she replies.. yes. I responde with "Thats great so am I, and you would you like to know what I was doing before you called?" She replied ..okay. "I was studying for my midterms. You know.. it's 8:35pm on a tuesday night, and I have to study because I don't have the time to volunteer for useless clubs where I solicit parents for money, because I have to work two jobs." She responds "okay I get".. I say "do you get it? really? really? cause I have the feeling that you may call me again." She goes to say "Well, I can't take you off the list because my supervis-" I hung up.

In The Heat Of The Moment

Rituals rule my life. I am a person of habit and do the same thing over and over again each week. Work, School, Gym is bascially the foundation of my life and it has been for some time now. Well, its no wonder why when something out of the ordinary happens, it becomes big news for me.

The other day, me and my heavier-set friend went to the gym as usual. We were both tired and feeling the stress of the school work piling up on our shoulders. Walking through the door, we could heard the grunts of the meat heads as they pushed out 400lbs of weights and the humming of the treadmills. However, it was any other day so we got on the treadmill and ran a couple of miles. Sweat was pouring off my head and i wondered why i was having soo much trouble completing this easy run. Anyway, we got off the treadmill and began our normal routine. Moving from machine to machine, we worked our way across the crowded yet very calm gym. All of a suden, i catch my friend off in a gaze, only to see what he was staring off at. It was this beautiful girl with long blonde hair running on the treadmill. Her stride was soo perfect it actually made me stop my routine and join in the stare.

Well, anyone knows that if there is a hot girl at the gym, or anywhere for that matter, its rude to just blatently stare at her. I guess my friend didnt know that rule. For the rest of the workout, he was focused more on the girls fitness than his own and it was about to come crashing down on him. A man walks up to him and asks if he has a staring problem, only to find out that this guy is the girls boyfriend. Adreneline pumping, my friend decided the best answer was "Yes, i do have a problem." They procede to get louder with eachother as you can feel the tension in the building climbing. All of a suden, an old man comes over and kicks my friend and the other guy out of the building. It was over. We both went home and would start up the routine the next day. This time, with more focus.

iPhone 5 news

For those of you who care:

The iPhone 5 will probably not be announced at WWDC as it has been for years now. This should be an interesting development, as Apple either restructures the sale time as rumors of the white iPhone 4 continue to float around. If the white iPhone is indeed announced sometime soon, the additional buffer time given will definitely become necessary to bolster sales of the white enigma. Who knows what's going on in Steve Jobs' head?

courtesy PCWorld:

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Today @ PCWorld
iPhone 5 Delay Rumors: Will Apple Hold Out Until After WWDC?

By Daniel Ionescu, PCWorld Mar 29, 2011 6:20 AM

Apple emphasized that this year's WWDC 2011 conference in June will be all about the future of iOS and Mac, giving tech pundits reason to believe we won't see a new iPhone 5 announced during the event. With the rumor mill in full swing, speculation suggests that the iPhone 5 is more likely to arrive some time this fall, or even in 2012. Will Apple break its annual update cycle and make iPhone fans wait longer for refreshed hardware?

Points and Counterpoints

The focus will be on software at WWDC this year, Apple said. Upcoming features in iOS 5 were widely discussed in rumors this weekend, such as cloud music storage and social features. But WWDC was also expected to stage the unveiling of the new iPhone 5, sticking to Apple's traditional summer release schedule for the iPhone. But it's not happening, says Jim Dalrymple of The Loop (who was a strong track record regarding Apple sources). No new iPhone, no new Macs.

Instead, Darlrymple's sources say the conference will see announcements regarding advancements with Mac OSX Lion (expected to arrive this summer, too), and TechCrunch reports iOS 5 will only be previewed at the event, with a delay until it's actually available, giving developers time to modify their apps.

But if Apple does not release or announce a new iPhone at WWDC (or shortly after), does that mean the iPhone 5 is delayed until fall, to arrive with iOS 5 preinstalled? That's something separate rumors suggest as well. One site claims Apple has not even ordered components for the iPhone 5, pointing toward a 2012 release. However, chances are Apple will not miss the holiday season, where it makes significant sales.

We have yet to purchase a crystal globe at PCWorld, so we will have to wait until June to find out if the iPhone 5 is delayed or not. Until then, one thing is for sure: Apple hasn't said a word about the timing of iOS 5, or whether the next version of its mobile OS will be called that; same goes for the next iPhone.

After all, Apple could just introduce a new iPhone, similar in design to the iPhone 4, but with improved internals, including the A5 dual-core chip from the iPad 2 and sprinkled with some NFC. Apple did a similar move with the upgrade from the iPhone 3G to 3GS. Then, later on in the year, iOS 5 would arrive and bring some new features to the table, both for a new iPhone and the iPad 2.

Follow Daniel Ionescu and Today @ PCWorld on Twitter

Cloud-based storage

For many, cloud-based storage is daunting, expensive and simply not worth the cost at the moment. Thankfully, Dropbox is here!

Looking for a convenient way to store information or share files online?
Help me out by signing up for an account, and you yourself will get an upgrade. Dropbox is a free online service, giving you initially 2 Gb worth of online storage for any of your files, rewarding you an additional 250 Mb for every referral you get, spreading the word about the service.

- Kenneth

Your Teefusbrush

Trust me, you're never going to look at toothbrushes the same way again,

Toothbrushes are designed to get to those hard-to-reach places. And this photo set takes their functionality to a whole new hilarious level! I will never look at toothpaste the same way again. [WOW Report]

- Kenneth

Blue Collar

Despite all the talk that floats around the nation about the outsourcing of blue collar work, we have to remember that this is all our own doing. America has become a service economy. Sure, plenty of people bemoan the fact that less skilled work has largely been picked up by immigrants and/or outsourced.
We need to face the facts though. Neither you nor I really wants this job anyway. The pay that is being offered for it isn't up to your "standards". We continue to blame illegal immigrants for stealing our jobs. They're not stealing jobs if these were jobs you were disinterested in to begin with. India has picked up our customer service departments, but really who wants to pick up the phone for a living, listening to people moan and complain about the deficiencies about their Dell computer? All that's around us is built by everyone.
The economy is now a global economy. We all depend on each other, regardless of whether you like it or not. Blaming other people for something you don't want to do yourself is arrogant, and ignorant, which is something that most Americans seem to be very good at. We need someone to blame, and we've decided to pin the blame on... well everyone else. Grow up America.

Reading books

When I was a kid, I really hated to read books.
Even I tried to read, I automatically fell sleep after I read few lines. My mother kept telling me that "Read books!!!". To make me read books, she started to make a condition. If I would read 5 books per month, she gives me my favorite snack. My mother rarely buy snacks because she says that it is not good for health. But she tried to make me read books, so she made a condition to push me to read. However, I never did because I could not understand why books are interested.
When I entered middle school, I had to read many books as requirement. Of course, I really hated but I should...had to read it, so I started to read books.
When I became 15 years old, I started to feel that reading books is kind of interest. I could see different world through story, and I can learn something that I did not know.
After that I tried to read books as much as I can. Sometimes, I skipped my meal as well.

Actually, I do not remember what I read in that time exactly.
However, I believe what I read until now becomes my knowledge in somehow.

Monday 28 March 2011

What I can do.....

Recently, my friend sent me a link which was about earthquake.
I know still people have a hard situation in Japan; however, now my life is completely different from them even I am Japanese......

The link was about somebody's blog. The blogger was nurse, and she went to volunteer to help people who got injury or lost their house because of the huge earthquake.
One of blogs was talking about a 6 old years girl.
The girl looked to have so much energy even though after earthquake.
The nurse asked her that "what you really wanna have now?" then she answered that "I hope that my house and my mom return back to me".
The girl was usually with somebody who looked like her mother; however, it was her aunt, was not her mother....
Even though I am adult enough, I miss my mother and my country in the other country. But the 6 years old girl lost her house and even her mother.
How it is sad.....
When I read this story, I cried. When I think about her situation, I could not stop crying....
And also I really thank about my situation how lucky and happy I am.

Now I am out of Japan, so what I can do now is just to collect contributions.
And I really hope that people in the disaster area can put back the smile in near future...

into ashes;

there, i lie.

on my back, wearing my gunmetal faux leather jacket and dark denim jeans. tousled hair, and a look of despair through tired, restless eyes. a fatigued body resting in the remnants of the last year's grass which is now nothing but cold, barren dirt and dying shrubbery. the weeds that settled between my fingers felt like they were waiting to disintegrate into charred fragments.

and as i looked upwards at the sky that burned a deep crimson color, i imagined the luminous clouds mocked my unfortunate fate. i drew a single teardrop and could shed no more; one lonely teardrop to parallel my lonely existence.

every particle of my mortal being was stripped of life. but, with an exacerbated sigh, i pushed enough air through my lungs to whisper, "why?"

i waited for something, anything - an echo, perhaps. yet, as per usual, no response. not even so much as the faint cries of some distant bird. so instead, i started closing my now heavy eyelids to listen to the deafening silence. "is this the end?", i wondered before drifting softly into obscurity.

Kinect Dance Idea

How can we use the kinect to make effects like in this video?

Kinect Dancing Idea

How can we make effects using the kinect to do something like in this video?

Why Do Women Have Sex?

Why do women have sex?

Perusing, I stumbled upon another article about a which spends indeed the entirety of the book answering the question: "why do women have sex?". I ran through a few of the questions in a interview with the author, of which one interested me particularly because, well, we all ask this question at some point in our lives, if not only once:

" How do we explain the stud-slut double standard? What kind of evolutionary basis is behind that?

Buss: The short-term, long-term distinction is critical. All I can offer is a speculation: One of the key adaptive problems that men have to solve in picking a long-term mate is assuring that they’re the father. It's the paternity certainty problem. This stems from the fact of our reproductive biology. Fertilization occurs internally in women and not men. Maternity is always 100 percent certain, and paternity is always less than 100 percent certain. Men look for cues to sexual fidelity with long-term mates.

The number of premarital sex partners is a good predictor of infidelity post-marriage. That applies for both men and women. The higher the number before marriage, the higher the probability that there’s going to be an infidelity in the marriage. Ultimately, I think that’s part of the reason for that double standard."

Interesting answer, one I could've never fathomed, but very intuitive nonetheless.

- Kenneth

Making Music

My whole life i've loved music. singing and dancing and listening to the radio were always some of my favorite activities. One thing that i never really was into was making music. my parents never forced me to learn an instrument so i was never exposed outside of basic music in elementary school. About a year and a half ago i started dating the most amazing guy in the world Jackson. He does not sing or dance but makes his own original music on physical instruments as well as digitally created music. (we complement each other very well :) ) since the beginning of the first semester i have had access to the beautiful Steinway & Sons piano in the staller center and have been practicing on my suitemate's keyboard. though i am progressing with playing piano music on the piano, i have yet to get into digitally created music.

For an assignment we were told to mess around with Sony ACID or it's Mac equivalent Garage Band. i had some idea of what to expect from the demo we got in class and watching Jackson mess with another music program called ReBirth, which looks a lot more complicated then ACID/ Garage Band. Over the weekend i sat down and started working on ACID to create my own song (or at least try to) I quickly figured out that i was no Daft punk and had to really focus on how i was going to start this project. After failing to figure out how to add my own audio i decided i'd do the next best thing and mash a couple of songs together to make it my own. After a while of splicing together a few of my favorite songs i cam up with 52 seconds of song!!! it's a funny mash up because of the sound effects i used and such.

Overall i would say that making music especially digital, is fun but takes a lot more time then i thought. today's music is pretty repetitive so i guess it's harder to write lyrics for a continuous beat then create a unique beat/ mash up. i have a lot more respect for people who can create interesting and fun music I hope to add more onto my little franken-song as time goes on. I also would not mind making another song with a different feel to it!!

Songs in my Mash up:
What planet you on - Bodyrox ft. Luciana (Deadmau5 vocal remix)
Still Alive - Portal song
4/4/5/4- Irapotato and some kid named Butterly
All my Ex's live in Texas- George Strait
Fucked from above 1985- The Bloody Beetroots ft Sky Ferreira
Ghost- Michael Jackson
The hamster dance song -Hampton the Hamster

Sunday 27 March 2011

Vlog - Nonfiction film idea

Curbing that Facebook addiction.

Vlog - Fiction film idea

It's time to hunt some zombies down!

Nothing beats live music

I took a chance and bought a ticket to see “Piano Jazz Summit” concert featuring 3 piano soloists: Jacky Terrasson, Cedar Walton, and Hiromi. I love most aspects of Jazz until you get to the Free and Avante Garde stuff in the 60’s and that just turns me off since there is no clear melody or pattern but it turned out that I was wrong. 1st up was Jacky and all of his songs were filled energy, improvisation, bit of free styling, and variations of different songs such as “Over the Rainbow”. He did some weird antics while he was playing the piano such as grunting, using a napkin to clog the sound, and hitting the wooden frame of the piano (I never saw this much… abuse on a piano before) it got attention. 2nd was Cedar, the oldest of the three performers, and his songs were much more mellow and calm compared to Jacky. His music was more of the 40’s – 60’s where he played a medley of Thelonius Monk and his original songs – N.P.S. and Underground Memoirs. They were nice to hear but I couldn’t help but feel sleepy.

Finally, the last performance of the night. Hiromi just blew everyone away, right from the moment she played the piano with an explosion of sounds. Again I hear her personal sound effects and even more crazy movements and gestures than Jacky’s performance but they somehow fit within each song. Each of her songs was different and contained a mixture of jazz, classical music, and a bit of herself. The last song called Ue wo Muite Arukou/Sukiyaki (not the food), originally from an old song, roughly translates to “I look up as I walk” without tears falling as she described that while she did not have any medical background to help those in Japan, she did what she only knows best, play. She played her music to cheer them up and give them hope that it will get better. That final song tugged everyone’s heart and moved us that a few began crying. You can feel the love, hope, and encouragement contained in the song and I almost cried too! When it was over, we were all on our feet, cheering for her as well as the other 2 performers. And it just so happened that it was her birthday and we all sang the good ol’ “Happy Birthday” song.

After the concert, I looked up some of her songs on youtube since the CD I bought didn’t contain them. As I listened to them, it felt kind of off and different from the real thing I just saw 30 min. ago. There wasn’t that personal sound effect or the vibrations from the piano keys. The arrangements are different and the emotions of the performer are not as clearly present compared to seeing them in person. In a live show, I get to see how much fun they’re having as they play their creations for others, meeting with them, and sharing this experience with complete strangers who were there with you. It was a well worth $20 spent (with an additional $20 for CD – autographed) for a memorable night in the final months in college.

Cheating is a socialized taboo

One of the biggest issues that arise in young couples is cheating. When I say young I am refering to ages 15-22 give or take. I assume that after 22 someone is looking for a relationship that will eventually lead to marriage. Most young people fight and break-up over cheating or the threat of cheating. Most young couples fight over text messages/calls/facebook posts from the opposite sex. Why are we so worried that the one we love will "betray" us by cheating? I will tell you why..because we are YOUNG and in our prime. We should be allowed to wonder what it would be like with someone esle because young relationships is about finding what you want for a future spouse. I am not an advocate of cheating, I just believe that young relationships should be set up differently. We are socialized to believe that when you commit to a person you are bound to them and only them for that amount of time and if you go out of your boundrys you are unfaithful and a bad person. I think that us young people should date. I am not saying lie to your partner and see others behind their back, but young relationships should be open. It would prevent alot of people from being hurt and if you really love someone you can become serious at a later time and form an exclusive relationship. We are trained to be hurt if our other decides to pursue someone esle, but what if it was acceptable and everyone in society had a "young relationship" and you could speak about that person saying..I think one day he is the one I will be monogous with.. or .. I am still looking. It would save alot of dreadful breakups and fights.
Take someone like myself who has been with my boyfriend for 5, almost 6 years. We started dating our junior year of high school! We both cheated the first year of college and it was heartbreaking. We broke up for a little while and ended up back together. I love him to death but I still wonder what it would be like to be on my own or even to date someone esle. We are really good together and I could see myself with him in my future but I dont want to have to "wonder". All I am saying is now would of been a good time to start getting serious with him.. not when i was 17! The whole system should be redesigned.

Autotune Magic

As many of you can tell by now I have like a million Websites. One of which is Autotune

The world of music creation has been changed forever by the new technology of Auto Tune.

Here is a video showing how easy auto tune is, and how much of an amazing effect it can have on someones voice.

Concentrations of the class

I enjoy this class however I think (in my opinion) should be a little bit more revised. The class revolves more or less around conversing about the "AmericanT" mentality and how our world has changed due to technology and so on. Although this is definitely "Conversation Topic worthy" I think considering that this is Media Theory and Criticism Class that we should also be taking part into the Media Part. I do enjoy the conversations and debates we have in the class but when our grade is based on our productions and blog posts I feel we should concentrate more on the technical part of creating media for our productions. The blog posts should be and i believe are being evaluated for content and I feel like a lot of it should be concentrated about Media, so the productions we do we should at least have an idea about how to go about it.

Some people in the class have never in their life opened a program as simple as Movie maker, or garage band. If we did a few tutorials on like Final Cut, 3dsMax, Logic, just more of the high end Programs maybe people will have an idea of how to go about the assignments and maybe we can see some higher quality productions.

I don't know just me two cents. As much as I love the discussions I would love to learn a more technical aspect of the media creation process.

Sharing work

I so far have done all the assignments, Including Bug out, Abandonment, and the documentary yet I have been able to show any of my work? I mean honestly, it's not a big issue for me because in the end it's just more work I can throw into my portfolio, but I would love to get feedback from an audience. Regardless, the work i have seen in the class have been very eye opening and informative. It really showed me that it is as simple as having an idea, and rolling with it to get an amazing result.

I am hoping to be able to play with Half life Modding to be able to create some sort of 3d Model and or animation to use in the end performance. The professor did assign me a task for some 3d work, however I do not have a lot of experience in that realm, and I don't have all the time in the world to learn and work programs like blender, and 3dsmax. These programs take years, and years to perfect and learn, and can even months to render a final result.


I've been experimenting with different types of music genres. I love creating something people can enjoy, and considering people enjoy music, it's definitely something I want to have the ability to create. I'm a guitarist in a band and am an independent rapper. Although I am not amazing and the most talented at these, It's still something I enjoy to do, and I do think it is something people can enjoy.

I have gotten more recently into Rapping, Metal Core and Rock and Roll. I try to hit my friends studio at least once a week but have not been able to due to school and business conferences. I hope to soon have something, like at least one track that I can share that will be completed. Maybe we can use it at the end presentation.

For Those Who Experienced

I used to wonder how can he do this to me? Little me, innocent me Never harmed anyone Not even a fly So why do I Have to endure this pain? What did I do to deserve this? How come my mom didn’t know? Was she blinded by love? So blind to see what was going on That her man was taking Interest in her beautiful Baby girl? Was this the act of God Or the Devil? But how can God let Him do such devilish acts? How can I blame God? When he was on my side The whole time One day HE got fed up Watching HIS child suffer And let him burn In an inferno of eternity Dedicated to those who have experienced this! My heart goes out!

Post Secrets Event

This Friday, Stony Brook students held an event called Post Secrets. It was a funny and emotional experience for me. Some of the secrets were funny and silly and some of them were depressing. I went with my two friends and one of them actually had a secret. She saw her card posted up on the wall and she burst into tears. Her secret was that she felt homesick and cries herself to sleep at night even though she enjoys her friends who surround her all the time. I felt so bad for her because she is really a sweet girl and I wish I had money to give her so that she can go to her home in Rome, NY. There were some secrets that would make you want to change the world and some will probably make you want revenge on those who have hurt you. The ones that stood out to me were the people who were molested and those who had to either got an abortion or gave their child up for adoption. I can imagine what it’s like to have to go through this pain. It’s not easy for anyone to go through this. I’m glad that people did share their secrets because I think it’s a sigh of relieve that they were able to share a secret that’s been killing them inside. It’s not easy to hold these secrets in and be the most joyous person in a crowd of people. I hope for those who went to or participated in this event realized that they are not alone in this world of hurt that there are others. I hope people realize that before they judge someone about how the look they should consider what they are going through or dealt with in their lives. What has happened to them in the past for them to present themselves like this in the present?

Post Secrets Event

This Friday, Stony Brook students held an event called Post Secrets. It was a funny and emotional experience for me. Some of the secrets were funny and silly and some of them were depressing. I went with my two friends and one of them actually had a secret. She saw her card posted up on the wall and she burst into tears. Her secret was that she felt homesick and cries herself to sleep at night even though she enjoys her friends who surround her all the time. I felt so bad for her because she is really a sweet girl and I wish I had money to give her so that she can go to her home in Rome, NY. There were some secrets that would make you want to change the world and some will probably make you want revenge on those who have hurt you. The ones that stood out to me were the people who were molested and those who had to either got an abortion or gave their child up for adoption. I can imagine what it’s like to have to go through this pain. It’s not easy for anyone to go through this. I’m glad that people did share their secrets because I think it’s a sigh of relieve that they were able to share a secret that’s been killing them inside. It’s not easy to hold these secrets in and be the most joyous person in a crowd of people. I hope for those who went to or participated in this event realized that they are not alone in this world of hurt that there are others. I hope people realize that before they judge someone about how the look they should consider what they are going through or dealt with in their lives. What has happened to them in the past for them to present themselves like this in the present?

The Kite Runner

Over the weekend my friends and I watched a movie called the Kite Runner. The movie was based on the book Kite Runner and was released in 2007. This was my first time actually watching the movie and I did not read the book but I heard it was a good one. I’m not going to go into details about what the movie was about but I do want to talk about what bothered me the most during the movie. There are two boys who are best friends. One is rich (Amir) and the other is his servant (Hassan). The two boys always played together and were teammates when they flew kites. Hassan always had Amir’s back because Amir was a coward and wouldn’t stand up for himself. One day they were in a kite competition and they had to cut the kites of other players down to be considered the winner. Amir won and Hassan went to run down the kite for him. Amir noticed he was taking too long to return so he went looking for him. Amir found Hassan being cornered by three bullies that they had confrontation earlier in the movie. They were trying to get the kite from him and he refused to do so. (The kite represents his achievement of winning the competition). Hassan was very loyal to Amir and would not betray him even if he had to sacrifice his own life. At first I just thought they were going to beat him up but they ended up raping him. This was heartbreaking because the whole time Amir kept a distance and watched them do this to his friend. He didn’t try to save him; he allowed this to happen to him, he didn’t even go to get help he just run away and sat on a set of stairs like nothing happened. This made me infuriated because if this is your best friend how can you sit there and watch it happen and do ABSOLUTELTY NOTHING. I felt so bad for Hassan because he didn’t deserve that and he was so loyal to Amir and Amir wasn’t loyal to him at all. Honestly I would have just given the bullies the kite. I’m sure Hassan didn’t know that they were going to do that to him. He had to live with that for the rest of his life. Neither one of them told anyone. That’s a heavy burden to keep on your shoulders. The guy who actually rapped him had to be in his teens and it made me sick to my stomach that at this age you are worry about rapping a 10 year old BOY!!! I know it’s just a movie BUT it’s more disturbing that this happens in real life.

Thoughts on Limitless

This weekend I went to the movie Limitless starring Bradley Cooper and Robert DeNiro. Now I enjoyed the movie and some of Bradley Cooper's many quirks. Basically he plays a writer who faces massive writer's block which can cost him his deal on his new release as well as an unstable relationship with his girlfriend who is actually his bank for the time being. He meets his ex-brother-in-law who is a drug dealer that gives him a test of a pill that he stole called NZT that would allow one to use 100% of our brain since we usually use 20% of it. After using it he was able to finish 90 pages in a few days, clean his messy apartment, as well as sleep with his landlord's girlfriend. He decides to meet his ex-brother-in-law again and finds him dead after being order to get his dry cleaning and breakfast. He goes the brother in law's apartment hoping to find the drug and eventually finds it. He decides that he can do greater things with this drug and decides to borrow 100000 dollars to invest in the stock market. Using algorithms he became an infamous broker and even named a god. Eventually conflicts begin to happen as the developers of the drug is sending a man to track him and kill him. Also the man that he owes money to has a taste of this drug and wants more of it which also threatens his life.
The plot of this movie is really impressive but there are just too many plotholes. I mean a man that claimed he had a 4 digit iq didn't think of making more of these drugs till later on in the story when his life was almost at risk beforehand? Also he murdered a some people but his alibi and cover ups seem too easy and quick for him to get away and he was able to run for Senator. Also the ending seems rather abrupt in my opinion. Considering I usually watch movies where the main character eventually fights his most opposed threat at the end, all he did was fight 2 goons and the man he owed money too. Skipped 12 months and he's running for senate. If I were to rate this movie I'd give it a 70% it was a great movie to watch and a little sickening in some points however there were too many plot holes that bothered me.

Man Hit Women Into a Coma

I don’t know if you guys know about this story but this man in the Bronx punched this lady so hard she fell to the ground and hit her head on the concrete fracturing her skull causing her to fall into a coma. Now at first when I heard this story I was upset because I’m saying to myself how is this man going to hit this woman over a parking space. That’s right a parking space. From what the news reporters say she was standing in the parking space, saving it for her boyfriend while she waited for him to turn around. The attacker got out of his car and according to his report he asked her calmly to get out of the way and she started to attack him therefore his reflexes kicked in and punched her in the face. At first when my sister was telling me the story I felt bad for her which I still do but I did not get the whole story. I did not know she had provoked him. I was not there so I cannot judge anyone but why in the hell will you attack someone who is taller and stronger than you over a parking space. I think that is nonsense. I am sorry that she’s in a coma and I hope she makes it through this ordeal but I’m wondering what the hell she was thinking. Him too!! All of this could have been avoided if he would have stayed in his car and just looked for another parking space and she should have kept his hands off of him (not saying this justifies what he did because they are both wrong and should take responsibility).

Pink Collar Jobs- Womens Work?

A pink-collar worker is employed in a job that is traditionally considered to be woman's work. The term came to distinguish these female-oriented jobs from the blue-collar worker or "mans work" in manual labor, and the white collar worker, typically an educated worker in largely office positions. Pink-collar jobs usually pay a significantly smaller amount of money than blue-collar or white-collar jobs.
World War One paved the way for pink collar jobs. The war effort was in need of secretaries, people to answer phones, write letters, etc. This was of course left up to the woman. It was not factory work , it was not blue-collar work and it certainly was not white collar work. A whole category of jobs continued to grow in the pink collar market here's some to name : babysitter,nanny, waitress, hairdresser, etc.
This list grows and grows and now consists mostly of college students and college grads. However studies show that even to this day men continue to earn more than women post-college. It could be the fact that men typically are in science-related fields and women in social sciences, which simply pay less. However in the meantime a lot of woman in men seem to be stuck in pink collar work..for now

Saturday 26 March 2011

The Richest Man

If I asked you about the richest people in our current day you'd probably mention Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates at some point in the conversation and In economical terms you'd absolutely correct. If given the chance to have the question reciprocated I'd answer with a favorite quote of mine,"The richest man isn't the one with his 1st dollar, its the one who still has his first friend". So many blogs I've seen tackle the idea of pink collar work or college debt or home ownership, all things related to economical standing and in a very shallow sense all related to pursuing riches. I say this because college debt is something some students face and its long process associated with paying it off. It also doesn't help that there's a common belief that attaining a pink collar job wont really help in getting those loans paid off any quicker and most definitely wont get you close to home ownership. It is instead believed a road to riches could solve all three at once.

Attaining wealth is no doubt a solution to the things I just mentioned but at what cost does it come. What does a constant pursuit of more do to the moral fabric of a person. Furthermore are the the struggles and work ethic needed to pay off college debt what make us resilient and relate-able humans beings. I sometimes believe that with riches comes some lost of the human experience because certain life conditions and scenarios are never experienced. A rich man wants for nothing and therefore may not know how to appreciate the simple things that promote longevity in relationships between people. I think a person working to pay off a college debt or work a low paying job has the opportunity to come across people who will show their character by possibly helping you along the way or possibly acting as a constant motivator that pushes you to improve. Such an individual is someone that can be "bought" by a rich person but maybe not attained through genuine process.

I personally would like to live comfortably and make a salary that aids in doing so but never will I forget what I am rooted in because I believe its molded me and served as my biggest motivation to achieve more than what I possess now. I know that if I always keep that in my mind my economical standing may not ever reach the millions or billions but I will always have greater sense of self and ability to relate with and help others.

& the verdict is.. emergency surgery

I went to go meet the surgeon and he seems like a nice guy... but I got bad news. I'm screwed. I've had 4 "attacks" last week, including one right before the film class, and no more painkillers... oh and the best part... next time I have an attack.. off to the hospital I go for emergency surgery.

I found out it's extremely difficult to concentrate while on painkillers... I almost ran out of my organic chemistry exam on wednesday because the pain was kicking my butt. So I'm aiming for April 14th for the surgery but most likely it'll be much sooner. At least my mother likes the surgeon. He said he has 300 surgeries before me so I'm glad he knows his stuff.

I'm happy it's going to get done but it's still surgery so inside.. I'd rather run and hide. I'm more worried about missing classes than anything else I guess. But on the upside, if I have the surgery early I'll be able to move around during spring break and actually do something... like go to the city and enjoy the sunshine.

My friend was supposed to come over this weekend but my mother had dibs. Now, I can't go too far from home (+ the hospital) but I have to. On the upside, I got my Ipad 2. I'm just so tired lately I haven't been able to play with it as much as I had wanted to. From what I do know about it, I love it. Now, I just need a case. That's usually the most difficult part.

I'm (or more like my friends) already making post surgery plans. So far, I have a trip to Hooter's planned for buffalo wings and beer.

I just don't want people to worry. I found out my grandmother wasn't told so she wouldn't worry, I worry enough about this whole thing for everyone. Now I clued my boyfriend in on what the doctor said and he's worried. We're all a mess.

What a wonderful weekend hmm. At least the doctor said it must be hereditary because I'm fairly normal sized weight wise. I work so hard to take care of myself and genetics bites me in the butt. Life's not fair.

#17.. I really need to catch up on my writing and post up my ideas but for now.. I get to attempt to eat and probably another nap.

Selfless to criminal

"Same sword they knight you with,they're gonna good night you with". All to often I feel this quote holds true in my life. My interpretation of it is that people will praise you for your consistent upstanding behavior or achievement by they will also scrutinize and eliminate your relevance when they feel like it. I'm very aware that in life we all experience scenarios in which we are the "knight" and for some, consciously or unconsciously playing the "good nighter"

In my personal life I feel as is my extremely selfless attitude has often times gained the trust of others but Ive also seen it become something people begin to feel entitled to. Many times people cannot accept our imperfect human being make-up when they feel they're being deprived of something by someone. I believe that as a result of this I often become a bad guy to some people when I choose to simply opt to somewhat selfish in opposed to selfless. After recently taking an extensive look into the results of trying to satisfy others needs while making own a 2nd priority, Ive found I am now voided in some areas in my life. It's put me in a place where I'm now faced with situations that require a level of selflessness that I'm usually able to give but cannot because I feel I've deprived myself of so much in the past.

While I'd like to feel a sense of resentment towards those who I've sacrificed for I know that ultimately it was my choice and in many respects don't regret being a selfless individual. I know now though that any forward movement and progress in my life will have to come with some level of selfishness.

an animal with a guitar by robert shilling


"See Martin, see Malcolm You see Biggie, see Pac, see success and its outcome See Jesus, see Judas; see Caesar, see Brutus See success is like suicide, Suicide, it's a suicide If you succeed, prepare to be crucified" This quote is one of my favorites of all time. For my next couple of blogs I will be going into some depth about some interesting quotes I've found and tried to mold my life around. This particular quote is one that I find very interesting because it holds so much truth in relation to people mentioned in it. Though they all existed in completely different time periods they all lost their lives to the timeless subject of success and what it means outside of the positive connotations associated with it.

The inclusion of Jesus, Judas, Caesar, and Brutus is what sticks out to me the most because they embody individuals whose success was hampered with by people they considered to be close with. I find the relations I have with people to be very important and because of that I surround myself with a very small circle of people I call friends. I consider myself who wants to and will eventually be very successful and its essential that I observe those people who choose to be there for me in the present as I build toward my success. I also try to remember that I myself don't consumed with getting success because like the quote say, success can be suicide.

I often ask myself if i personally define success could I make myself immune to the Brutus's and Judas's of the world. I've currently not been able to answer that question but hope that I can at some point in my life.


Just playing with Photoshop:D

Left & Right Brain

In pre-k and kindergarten, our teachers wanted us to do arts and craft, paint, and play dress up. This was to help us with our motor skills that were still developing at a young age. This is the reason why we learned not to write with our entire arm or wrist but just with simple movements of our fingers. At a young age, we were also exercising our right brain, our creative side.

As much as schools try to integrate both sides of the brain into our curriculum, I feel that I was always using my left brain in high school and when I came to college. My parents were always "pro left brain" meaning all they wanted me to do in life was to be successful in the math and sciences. I loved science in high school but when I came to Stony Brook, I hated it. It was entirely memorization in all my science classes and I hated that because I never knew the reason behind what I was doing. As much as we need to utilize our left brain, I would prefer using my right brain more.

Friday 25 March 2011


So I built my PC quite a few years ago and it's still holding out but it's no where as powerful as other machines I see today. This goes to show you how fast Technology has changed This computer when i built it was worth over 1500 dollars. Now if you go into a bestbuy it would probably not even be worth 600 bucks. Technology runs at such a rapid pace that we must realize that if we don't adapt to our ever so changing environment that we will be for lack of better terms.."Left in the cyber dust".

It's gotten to the point where people even started tossing out there old tech. I'm not ashamed to say a few weeks ago I saw a nice 15 inch LCD monitor on the curb and i picked it up, threw it in the trunk and brought it home. The screen still works fine and now I am dual Screening. People need to understand that although technology is moving fast and it is required to adapt to your technological environment, it does not mean to get rid off or think less of past tech. It is all still tech and it is all still useful.