Thursday, 3 March 2011

stage 5 clinger.

I am not that great of a person. I mean a pretty good friend but I am average I like to think. I don't have any great skills. I like to think I'm a nice person but not overly friendly. Yet, there seems to be every year someone new I meet who just loves me. I don't mean like oh they think I'm awesome, I mean they want to call, text, bbm, email, facebook, and twitter me everyday.
I know I sound very conceited but it's true. Every year I meet someone, this has happened to me since high school, that for no reason whatsoever loves me. They want to be my best friend, they want to shop, talk, hang out every day. I don't know if I'm like the poster person for lonely people but I just don't get it.
I would understand if I was in some way super cool but I'm not. I listen to John Mayer, think justin beiber is awesome, and I read.. alot. So what is it? what is that makes someone stalk another person into being their bestfriend?
It always ends the same too. We get into an arguement, usually me stating they are too clingy. They feel offended and they back off. I feel bad about it but I move on. They still call me later on and say something like.. I always see you as my bestfriend. Seriously? I just told you your clingy.
If your one of those people out there who just latches on to others because you need to feel some sort of connection or happiness.. find someone that is like you. I am sure I am not the only person who feels this way but clingy people are just two seconds away from crazy.

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