Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Old School vs New School

With the past serving as an essential mold for the future there is no doubt that there is always constant improvement in a variety of fields such as athletics, personal interest, and education. With this being said I can safely conclude that my generation’s educational opportunities exceed those of my parents. The many technological advances made from the time my parents were in school to now, attribute to the improvement in my education. When my parents attended school the presence of gender stereotypes were heavily present and no doubt played a major role in the teaching methods in their respective educational facilities. They most likely were taught in a manner that unconsciously swayed the women to fulfill their stereotypical roles as nurses, secretaries, and other female dominated occupations while on the other hand the sky was the limit for male students. In addition there were other factors that had no place in education such as racism, and sexism. These outside factors created burdens and served as mental blocks to students looking to excel to new heights.

Naturally there were those individuals who would not be denied and they pursued their dreams in a radical manner. As a result they accomplished great things such as discovering new technology in its premature phases that my generation now benefits from now in its mature phase. No doubt every break through made at the time my parents attended school was considered amazing. Those efforts eased the load on my generation because the pressures under which we must work are so much lighter than that of our guardians. A direct result of technical advances has been the many career choices available to people that weren’t available when my parents attended school. These choices allow girls and boys alike to pursue career opportunities that were previously considered uncharted. The simple presence of options is what makes education for my generation better than that of my parents.

In essence the educations of my parents are not be underestimated in any manner and can always be viewed as the building block to my own education. However, the variety and freedom of self expression made available to my generation gives via our schools gives us the essential edge.

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