This deliciousness, is what I saw on TV. I do have to say I love food and everything about it. Food can be comforting and a way to bond with other people. Yet seeing this is looking at indulgence and gluttony. I can rant about how here we waste food for our selfness needs and that we should embrace that we can indulge in all this food. I can indulge, yet I appreciate that I can. I feel as long as you know that you understand what actions you take and try to help out society, for instance, donating food to others then why not over eat.
I feel food is a way we find pleasure over and having a lot is a way of satisfying us. Food is what everyone needs and to have much of a good thing then you should understand why people would indulge in this.
Relating this to our theme for class, losing the ability to overwhelm ourselves in America can scare us. Losing food our main source of living can create mayhem. I believe taking advantage of that delicious burrito above now while we can could not hurt anyone.
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