Wednesday, 2 February 2011

The woe's of a deviant artist

As a person who has an account on there are many things I love about the site. Some of the main reasons include the chance to find brillant artists, as well as to showcase my work, and get some feedback from a much wider audience. However with all good things there is a downside to it. The main one is the fact that while I may have a wider audience not that many look at my work, or when they do it's only of my fan art. Not to say that I didn't put effort into my fan art but there is more to me than just a drawing of let's say some drawing of Sasuke from Naruto (not that I ever drew him but you get the idea).

To give a better illustration of what I mean I'll show two pictures of chalk drawings I did this past summer.

This chalk drawing is of Alice Liddell from the Manga Alice in the Country of Hearts. The statistic's of this piece show that: It has received 44 comments(not including my comments), it has been favorited 134 times (similar to being liked on facebook), it has been viewed 1,676 ( 4 today), and it has been downloaded 10 times.

Now this is my own character which I drew and made use of the ground as a night sky and overall I felt that it was my best chalk drawing to date. The statistics for this piece is:It has received 3 comments(not including my own), it has been favorited 5 times, it has been viewed 73 times (1 today), and has been downloaded3 times.

You see my point? However since I'm the artist who created these two pieces I may be blind to which is better since I'm not looking at it in the same way as a person viewing these for the first time. I don't know really, maybe I didn't do my as well I as thought I did in the second drawing. Who knows? Well I can't rant about this forever so I'm leaving it at this. And on a sillier note enjoy this eager face mellophone player.

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