Monday 28 February 2011

Dirty First Floor Bathrooms

I live on the first floor of O'Neill college and somehow every thursday night/friday morning there happens to be unidentifiable things that pollute the toilets. I don't understand why people dirty the bathrooms to ruin it for everyone on the floor. I have seen large amounts of vomit and other equally disgusting substances in there that makes me go upstairs to use the bathroom almost every time. People should really learn to respect their " home away from home" especially since it's not only your home but a home to a hall of other people as well. Also the janitors have to clean that disgusting mess up and I don't think it's fair to them either . I sure wouldn't want to clean a bathroom full of vomit and urine all over the floor and I'm sure everyone else would not want to.
A lot of people disregard the designated stalls for number one and number two. They make it like that for a reason. I'm sure no one wants to sit on a toilet seat drenched in urine. I hope everyone starts to clean up after their own mess making the lives of the janitors and a dozen other students easier.

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