Monday 28 February 2011

Finally The Rock HAS COME BACK

Now, I don't know about most of you, but for me my childhood was infested by wrestling. I didn't know a single kid (male of course) in my school that didn't watch wrestling. From Stone Cold Steve Austin, to DX, to The Rock, wrestling was sure in it's hay day when I was little. There was even a time that I wanted to be a professional wrestler (the fake kind, not the ones that compete in the Olympics) I'm not sure if it is because I got older, or just because wrestling just wasn't as entertaining as it used to be I eventually outgrew it, only to come back and watch a few matches every once in a while, before finally officially dying out around 8th grade due to some of my favorites like The Rock and Stone Cold not having as much screen time as they used to, and then eventually just leaving.

And even though I haven't watched wrestling in over 8 years, I have to admit, this little stunt that they pulled has certainly sparked my interest.

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