Monday 28 February 2011

Stony Brook Furniture

About a year and a half ago, my suite couch 2 seater broke (in every Kelly Quad Suite you get a three seater couch and a two seater couch) after a friend of one of my suitemate had accidentally broke it after he sat down on it, and no he wasn't that fat, he just sat down very VERY hard. At the time we thought it was no big deal, and that the couch would eventually get fixed and we'd have 2 couches again. So we put in the work order to get it fixed and waited. Weeks passed, and then eventually months pass, and still nothing, just a broken couch piled up in the corner of the room collecting dust. Eventually the fall semester ends and we still have no new couch. Ignorantly I assumed that when we got back the couch would either be fixed or we'd have a new one, and we could finally have more than 3 people sit outside in the suite without having to bring chairs in, but I was very wrong.

I move back in and the broken couch is still there. At this point I got very annoyed and me and my suitemates began repeatedly calling the RHD and repair services to get this couch fixed, even though they told us that if we kept calling to place the order that it was broken, the work order would be delayed. That wasn't the case because later that week we finally got a new couch, the only problem was, it wasn't that new. It was the couches they used before they got new furniture however long ago, so this beast of a seat has essentially no padding what so ever, and feels as if you are just sitting on a pile of wood. We eventually tried to get it swapped with another two seated couch from another suite, but this was when we realized that the other couches don't fit through the door (how they got them in in the first place is beyond me because I don't think they built every couch in every suite.) So yeah, it's now a year later and we still has this wooden monstrosity and to be honest, I believe that couch will be hear until it breaks.

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