Monday 28 February 2011

Friend named Stress (Deep Nonsense)

Friend named Stress (Deep Nonsense)

She lets what shouldn’t Matter on her Mind…thus its never Mind over Matter, this world is a cruel world at times where humans act more like animals and animals act more like human beings. Life isn’t a game, that’s why no one has all the pieces to it. Instead you let life get to you in the worst way to the point where stress is nothing but a friend. But I ensure you Stress and I never really meet..we’re more like acquaintances. I quess I never really got over the fact that Stress befriended my friend Jamie and now shes in Gods hands. Or the fact that when I was younger I thought my fathers nick name was Stress. Because only Stress mixed with alcohol could do such things to a pregnant mother carrying an unborn child that would grow to be a King. Damn talk about praying for a better tomorrow. And I come to see that Stress and Misery are sisters. And Misery wanted to date me, but I told her she was bad company. So you see that life isn’t made to be without struggle. I tell people what I think they should hear cause if I let someone know the hurdles ive been threw or heard, people would fear coming outside in fear that it might be their day. But hurdles are placed there to see how one gets over them.

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