Monday 28 February 2011

Quit While You're Ahead

The other day, I had the pleasure of experiencing the awkward moment of being in the room while my roommate and her boyfriend had an argument over something menial. Despite the fact that I tried to tune them out and ignore them, I couldn't help but overhear tidbits of their conversation as I sat in my chair attempting to do my homework -- to no avail, they were awfully distracting!

What I've learned from their fighting is that although both parties had good points, they both had flaws in their arguments. Nobody likes admitting that they're wrong, but having to hear their constant bickering back and forth was giving me and headache. I realized that as we become more comfortable with people, a rebuttal such as "Because I want to" or "Well why can't I?" now becomes perfectly valid -- kind of like the dynamic between teenagers and their parents. What is it about our egos that makes it so hard to swallow our pride and apologize or admit that we were wrong?

For me, on several occasions, I know that I could have avoided putting myself into a bad situation had I just apologized instead of trying to prove my blatantly incorrect point. I suppose it's something we all inherently understand, but our stubborn selves won't let us actually put this knowledge into action.

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