Sunday 27 February 2011

bad tumblr

Few days ago my friend saw something really disturbing on her friends’ tumblr. It was a horrific picture of a little girl’s head and was body-less, something you would see in Bones or CSI. My friend told me how she was ‘scarred for life’ because of this one picture and she tells me how she does not understand why anyone would but such a disturbing picture up.

We concluded that probably since she (the friend who owns the tumblr account with the picture) saw the picture she want others to see it too and so she would not have to be alone in viewing such a horrifying picture.

It is absurd of how some people are so self-centered sometimes. I believe that only good things are meant to be shared amongst others but what this girl did was unnecessary. Because of this picture my friend committed a swear that she would hate and never go on tumblr again.

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