Sunday 27 February 2011

Just a bit too weird

I have lived in Japan for a month 2 years ago and had my share of seeing some strange things but this is one of those that just go too far. During my random checks on Kotaku, I came across this find – “Where Geeks Get Their Haircuts” with a picture of cosplayers (people who dress up as their favorite character) and the caption “Wig Out.” While I am a fan of anime and manga, I’m not a total otaku. Sure I like the music, the voice actors, character designs, plot, and such but I don’t cosplay, don’t knowing my favorite character’s lines by heart, don’t buy the crazy expensive limited editions goods or the products they make and it just don’t look right – well you get the idea. That’s the little sad part of being part of that category of fans as I enjoy it but reject it at the same time. The term “otaku” is not just aimed specifically at anime geeks but to people who are obsessed with a particular topic, theme, or hobby such as collecting old model trains, music, coins, dolls, you name it. However when you hear that term these days, many people will associate it with anime. This is almost equivalent to ‘nerd’ in English terms.

This salon called Fuwat, located in Akihabara – holy land for otaku, offers services to make your hair like your favorite anime/manga/video game character and there is a wig trimming service for cosplayers. Everything inside the salon is pretty much catering to them since you’ll find the latest gaming and cosplaying magazines, iPads you can use to surf, and letting you charge your gaming devices and phone while you’re getting your hair done. That’s nice of them to do all that. But the prices are too much for me to handle, which can range from 5,000 to 15,000 ($61 – $183). The 5,000 is for cut, shampoo, rinse and a scalp massage. While the wig trimming can go to 15,000, it can get as low as 1,500 depending on what the consultant says when analyzing the person’s image and how to fit into that character. Oh and it can take a week to have your wig to be in perfect form.

While their main target is the otaku population, they still offer to do services for salary men and women.

It would feel so out of place if I stepped into that place since I want to be myself, not become the character I like, even though the hair might be interesting. I placed this along with other weird things I read online – Evangelion plug suit swimming suit, Eva-themed hotel room, and more. Did I mention they’re all expensive?

I don’t mean to bash but there are moments where you are allowed to give yourself a facepalm at these ideas.

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