Monday 28 February 2011


Why is it that everything from the past seems so much better than how things are now. Whether it comes to TV shows, to music, to just fun times with friends, it's always better when it's in the past, even when it wasn't that good when it was in the present.

For example the first semester of my freshman year I had a blast. I already knew a few people that were older than me that went here and had no problems making friends right away. The next semester however, everything just didn't seem as good. The parties were worse, my classes were worse, even just hanging out didn't feel as fun as it used to. However, me and my friend were reminiscing one night of our time at Stony Brook, and more than half of the things we thought of were from that second semester that I thought sucked. It wasn't until a year later that I realized how much more fun that semester really was.

So in reality, I think it really just comes down to it as people just cherishing their first love of something, or their first experience, and subconsciously not allowing ourselves to let new experiences live up to the original ones.

So basically, the moral of this blog is to not let the good times you had in the past cloud your happiness of the present

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