Sunday 27 February 2011


Dear ____________

It’s been a while since we last spoke, yet you seem to be the only thing on my mind, day and night. Just the thought of you weakens me, completely disabling me. I know it’s a bit ridiculous but you’ve compelled me to wait for your phone call or even just a simple email from you.

Nostalgic memories are painful. I recall all the three to four hour phone calls that lasted till early in the morning, which would lead to the lack of attention to my schoolwork the next day. All the late night encounters we had where we would share a simple walk around the neighborhood. All the times you laid your head on my shoulder as we took the train home. Memories that would leave a smile on my face.

Then came the painful part. Julie. The girl that demolished our closeness and prevented new memories from being developed. Everything got complicated and I…just lost you. Such a crucial mistake. The sad thing is that the only thing I can do now is just apologize and wait. Especially in our situation right now, waiting seems like it’ll last forever.

I’m lost in a feeling of regret cause I’m ‘falling’ for you once again – a feeling that started coming back to me two weeks ago. I recall it vividly as we take a stroll in Central Park.

We looked up and we just talked and talked. Never have I felt such closeness and such connectivity to you. When I’m with you, it feels like the night will always remain young. Another moment of happiness ends with you leaving.

I’ve never had the auspicious time to tell you this in person. No matter how much of a deep, sincere moment we’re in, I know that I will never be able to tell you how I truly feel about you. I just want to let you know that I’m madly in love with you. Just everything about you marvels me. Your characteristic, your beauty, your charisma, and especially your uniqueness. To me, you’re the most perfect girl to me.

It just hurts to know that you’re taken by someone else.

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