Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Monster Trucks

Every year, I go with a large group of my family on some sort of outing. Typically, I would go with my brother, a bunch of my cousins, and some aunts and uncles. In the past, we've been to broadway shows, camping, sporting events, and much more. These were great because it's something that we all like to do. We usually get together one day, and just vote on something that we would all enjoy and then do it. It's something that everyone looks forward to.

But this year, it was a little bit different. When we all met to decide where to go, the idea of a monster truck show came up. One of my cousins was the one who suggested it. At first, everyone was a bit confused; we all pretty much thought why would anyone want to go see a monster truck show. It was just very different from what we were accustomed to doing. But then my uncle suggested that it would be a very good change. So after further deliberation, we all came to the conclusion that we would try something new, and if we didnt like it, we would plan something else.

So last week, we all went to the monster truck show. It was at Nassau Coliseum. It actually turned out to be a lot better than I expected. It was very loud, and smelled like burnt oil the entire time, but still pretty cool nonetheless. The picture above is one that my cousin took on her phone. Everyone was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining it was. From the monster trucks crashing over cars to the dirt bikes doing flips off ramps, it was an event that I would recommend to anyone. Sometimes, change is good.

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