Sunday 27 February 2011

What is next

so i was thinking of what will be the next big revolution or era. I mean we had the industrial revolution and now its the information era so what will be next. I came up with the theory that the next era will be the virtual revolution. I mean before we know it we will be able to take complete 4d pictures or videos. Now with the connect we can take 3d video but once the technology comes out we will be able to have multiple cameras set up in a room and make a complete 3d or even 4d video. When you skype with someone you will be able to view your friend at any angle, see him/her as she really is. The virtual revolution wont just stop with video. Think of the move surrogates with Bruce Willis. The overall concept is in the future people hook their minds into these machines and control robots out in the real world. Sure i can see how that would be cool but in all honesty that would be pointless. If people were gonna plug yourself into a machine why would you plug yourself into a machine to control another machine. or better yet it would cost so much money to buy and build robots that look and act humans. Even now scientist still have no way of replicating the way humans walk. It seems so simple but humans have developed a highly developed sense of balance using 1000 of pressure senses on the bottom of our feet to achieve fluent motion. The human body is so complex that recreating it almost seems impossible. And when we do achieve that level of technology building something that advance would be an unimaginable amount of money. So what will the big change be for the virtual era. I think it might end up being a virtual world. Video games are really the pioneers for bringing virtual worlds and reality closer together. Games designers are constantly pushing to make the worlds inside of video games close and closer to being like the real world. Even now we have games that worlds so big they have their own google maps. It almost sounds dumb to say you had to go to google maps to find something in a game. There are also games that have 1000's of players playing the same game in the same world at the same time. Now this might seem dumb or might make you think what is the point but the important part is that these things are the building blocks for the future. AS companies compete to make video games more realistic and blend the realms of reality and virtual reality I believe this will lead to an evolution of technology. The population is growing, we are running out of room to build houses and buildings, so i think it is only a matter of time before businesses decide to have their entire office in a virtual world. An entire virtual business skyscraper. All of your employees just have to wake up go into their home office, plug in and they are walking through the front doors of your building. With further understanding of the brain it should be easy to deceive it. Even our money has no real value. Money is really just a number on a computer screen at the bank. So why cant a building filled with cubicles, file cabinets, etc. be nothing but numbers on a computer hard drive. I mean feelings, smells, tastes are really just electoral signals sent from our body. Once the brain is better understood it should be easy to replicate those signals or trick the brain into thinking it feels something it doesn't. Who wouldn't want to go to work in perfect weather, everyone smells beautiful and looks beautiful. On a computer you can create a nearly perfect world. In most futuristic movies, books, and on tv always show cyborgs or robots being the big change of the future. Just like in the past the biggest change in the future was flying cars. The reality is that technology is moving in a completely different direction. The fastest evolving technology is trying to blend reality and virtual reality. Predictions about the future should take that into account. For all we know the future could look much more like the Matrix. Where people live in giant apartment buildings, hooked up to machines and living in a completely virtual world. I certainly hope that it never gets to that level but i think it is defiantly possible that in the future their will be virtual worlds for people to enter in and out of.

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