Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Quit Complaining About The Snow!

I really wish people would stop complaining about the weather. It seems as if the weather is all everyone always talks about now. Yes, the weather DOES SUCK, but get over it, there's absolutely nothing you can do about it unless you want to move to the carribbean! When I was little, I would love hearing that it was supposed to snow. Either we would anticipate having no school or sit in class starring out the window anxiously waiting to hear that school would let out early. Now that I'm older all I hear are the adult complaints. Where has everyone's inner child gone? As much as I hate driving in the snow/ice and shoveling, I can still appreciate a good snow day. In fact, my best friend and I made it a tradition for every snow day to make something epic in my front yard. People drive by and honk their horns, wave, and yell out how cool our "Snow Project" comes out. I really wish more people would look at the bright side of snow instead of making it a priority to complain. Of all people, I hate the cold, but I always try to put a smile on anyway because the cold is bad enough, the last thing people want is to be surrounded by grumpy people, I wish everyone else would do the same. The little things in life, such as the snow/rain, are not such a big deal.

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