Wednesday, 2 February 2011

How did we manage?

Thinking back as elementary school kids, I feel that anything seems to amuse us. I remember when I was 8 I wake up earlier to watch Saturday morning cartoons than to get to school. Now we have more advanced game consoles, new shows, more media on the web, etc. Even with all these luxuries we didn't have back in the past we still tend to feel bored. This leaves me to question how did we possibly survive as kids? We can spend hours browsing through youtube or downloading movies but none of this was possible in the past. I mean we use to use America Online for god sake. The thought of going out to rent these movies or borrow them from the library makes me chuckle when we can easily find access to them now. I use to make this retarded look on my face as I stare at the cover of my favorite movie and now I just walk pass the covers of blu-ray discs. I guess it justs goes to show no matter how much you cherish something now, as time past the affection you placed onto it is nothing more than a kid appreciating his parents for forcing brussel sprouts down his mouth because it is good for him? o.0

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