Sunday, 27 February 2011

miss my brother.

My brother has done what we're all suppose to do in life. He went to college, got a career, married a women, and now owns a home with a two car garage. He is few seconds away from completing the ideal image to 2.5 children.
I know we are suppose to grow up, move on and create lives. I miss my brother. He's the older brother who fixes my computers when they have viruses, gets my gadgets like ipod touch connected to the internet, and explains the wonders of technology that I can't wrap my head around because I'm too busy reading US weekly. He's in many ways my hero.
He was always the one to sway to larger things in life. Inspiring me to view shows, get out in the world, watch certain films, listen to certain music. He cares about my worldly being. Yet, now he has matured. He seldom asks about my worldly ideas and has gotten to short quick conversations on the telephone.
Now that he lives 40 minutes away and he greater problems like which day is garbage day, he has forgotten his little sister. It is not his fault, I know that but I miss my brother. If I could turn back time to when we we're spending hours watching films analyzing the double meanings and irony, I would. When do you stop being irrational, childlike and become an adult?

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