Sunday 27 February 2011


So I already knew a good amount from about my family on my mothers side. Unfortunately i don't know a lot about my fathers side of the family. On his side my grandfather passes away and my grandmother has lost her senile. This means that i cant really get the photo albums from her or the stories from our past are lost. So i did my project on my mothers side of the family. My real grandfather i have never met and i know nothing about. Him and my grandmother had three boys and one daughter(my mother). They got divorced while my mother was still pretty young. My grandfather became a bad alcoholic. I even heard that after he remarried he came home drunk one night to his second wife with my grandmothers name on his arm in a heart. My grandma then started dating and eventually married a man named Dom Rabuffo aka Big Dom. Big Dom was the owner the biggest electrical company in New York for 40 years. I feel like most people would find pictures of their grandparents and they would be more humble but the pictures i have of mine consist mostly of extravagant parties and Las Vegas. And a few with the boxer Suga Ray. My grandfather was married before my grandma and has a family with her. I never really hear about them and don't know anything about them. I feel like i shouldn't leave my dad's family out of this blog because they contributed half the dna that makes me who i am. I know that my great grandparents came from italy and met when they were kids. My grandfather served in world war II as a medic. He never seemed to like to talk about it though so I stopped asking after the first few tries as a kid. He how ever did tell me about how he used to make metal plates for peoples heads and he made false teeth. After he passed away my father inherited his false teeth making equipment and a german pistol that my grandfather had gotten in the war. Along with a signed letter from the president stating that my grandfather had stolen the pistol from a german officer or something to that affect. The only other stories i hear about that side of the family are wild things my father and his brothers did, how my grandma made them eat raw eggs, and how my grandfather would wait a week before punishing them so they thought they got away with it. I guess I never really got to know my grandparents on my dads side of the family or our history. I know a decent amount about my mothers side of the family but this blog has compelled me to discover more about it.

Heres my family album:

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