Saturday 12 February 2011

what are we?

The whole binary conversation that we had in class had me thinking about all the possibilities of binaries that exist in society. I've been watching the news about Egypt and Mubarak and it had me thinking about their government. I know that Egypt has been officially classified as a "republic" before Mubarak had stepped down, and that's open to interpretation. But this whole situation made me think of the dichotomy that once (and maybe still) exists in the world. At first, what came to mind was the fact that democracy existed on the far left, whereas totalitarianism existed on the far right, and then maybe something like Egypt's republic existed in the middle.

But upon further thought, I began to think that maybe a democracy isnt on the far left after all. I thought of something like an anarchy existing on the far right, which is basically not having a government at all. I know thats a bit extreme but it does make sense as being the complete opposite of a totalitarian state. If a state of anarchy is on the far right, then it would mean that a democracy is somewhere in the middle. That was kind of a scary thought, knowing that our government was in the middle, kind of like the teenager status or the deviants.

Of course, this is in no way my attempt to criticize the government. I don't really watch the news enough or do enough research to be able to properly criticize them. (Neither am I a history major) But I just thought it was an interesting thing to point out since we had that whole conversation about binaries in class last week.

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