Thursday 10 February 2011

This is the new age

One of the most common phrases my Grandfather uses is "You kids don't know what it was like, you don't know how good you have it". The older generation doesn't realize how much things have changed and although I havn't fought in any wars, I still think life is difficult. What my grandfather doesn't realize is that school is much harder nowadays and students are held to a much higher standard. Students are required to give so much time and effort just to get by with a "B". Another thing my Grandparents don't realize is that I work part time and go to school. In between that, I have to squeeze in time to go to the gym. Nobody really exercised back when my grandparents were my age. Now we are expected to exercise in order to live a healthy life and live longer. My father's entire family passed away before I was born due to health factors. Because of this, I make it a priority to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle. Having a part time job and going to school full time is a full load and leaves almost no free time to do things that I want. It really annoys me when my grandparents say negative things to me if I go to the beach in the summer just because they expect me to be exactly like my oldest cousin, who went to Harvard, and has no personality whatsoever. If they only saw how many college students don't actually work. Of course if I only went to school and didn't work, my grades would be better but I'm held responsible for all my finances and it would be impossible for me not to work. Quite frankly, I'm happy with having average grades and at the same time working on my career. Work experience is one of the most important things when working towards your actual career. Everything is so different in this generation and we shouldn't be held to the same expectations. I havn't fought in a war, but I have different life experiences than my Grandfather and I wish my Grandparents could see that. Because they are so old it is difficult to change their opinions and therefore not even worth arguing with them and it bothers me that they can't see the other side of it.

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