Sunday 13 February 2011

Mac's and PC's

A good Binary example would be Windows Vs. Apple. Both of these companies have been going at it for many years. When Apple came out with the iPod, Microsoft came out with the Zune. Personally i more of a Windows person. I feel that you have more freedom on PC's than on Mac's. Mac's are more for artsy people and on the contrary PC's are more for nerdy people. People like web designers and graphic designers tend to use Mac's more than PC's. Mac's are generally priced higher than PC's. When you compare the average price for both I would say that Mac's are on average $400-$500 more.

When you compare the two kinds of people that use these computers you can notice a difference. I'm not saying one is better than the other. Its like those commercials that Apple used to run with the PC guy always claiming that hes better than the Mac but would always fail in the end. My point is if you look at how both of them were dressed. The Mac was more modern and had a now look about him. The PC guy was dressed in an old suit, had dorky glasses and looked nerdy. This whole debate doesn't apply to everybody that uses both these computers and is not entirely true at all so don't take offense to this.

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