Friday, 11 February 2011


The internet has become a see all and do all for anyone to see. Orwell wrote about 'Big Brother' and the government watching everything we do and now we have become our own enemy. Why do I need to go on Facebook and see that Donna was off to the gym for a great work out or that Pete really missed his love and can't wait to see her again for the umpteenth time? I DO NOT! There is this need to put our every thought and every emotion on the internet and I just don't get it. I am really sorry that Darlene and Jim are divorcing but I really do not need to watch it unfold on facebook and I certainly don't need to see Tara getting shitfaced for the sixth time this week with pictures of her slumped over a toilet.

I am choosing to keep an alias for this part of my project. I would like to use it to express how I feel on the different topics if its required for the class but I do not want to go for a job interview and give a possible employer or a future boyfriend a whole lot of insight as to how I feel on a particular subject. Am I embarrassed by it? NO. It should just be on a need to know basis.

People tend to forget that once you hit submit - it is in "the cloud" FOREVER! Maybe I choose to be more private, maybe I don't want my future ex to know whats going on in my life and maybe I just don't care what others think and don't feel like sharing my opinions with them. Doesn't make me wrong, or incapable - just makes a choice. My choice. So I will use the alias for this blog as JustMe403 as a way to track my blogs. I do see it as an important part of the class and the way of the future but I would rather promote and network and not pretend like it is a diary of intimate feelings and thoughts.

And now... to the cloud!

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