Thursday 21 April 2011


Since I'm ranting, I might as well continue. This time about my parents and how they treat me like I'm a little kid! I want to go to Cali for the summer with some friends and they just say NO. Like they don't even give me a reason. Just NO. What kind of bullshit is that!?!? AHHHHH.

Then I used the whole .. well my sister got to go to Boston and Taiwan how come I can't go to CALI?! And they were like your sister went to Taiwan when she graduated college, did you graduate yet?! I was like ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Then I was like well she went to Boston before she graduated, and they had nothing to say to that.

But sadly, it's still a no. Ah, I'm going to go crazy. I can't wait to find a legit job and move out of here. I can't be kept down anymore. I want to go to shit with my life and not just stay in the house and bum around all day, which is probably what I'm going to do this summer sinec my parents won't let me go anywhere. Yup, that's my sad sad life.

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