Monday, 4 April 2011

Kinect In The Gym

We seem to talk alot about the use of the kinect/moving to make the music change with DJ's in class. I was in my spin class early this morning and was thinking about how cool it would be to incorporate the same idea into a workout class. For instance, what if we could set up the spin bikes to the stereo and the faster you pedal, the faster the music gets?
Or how about using it in a dance class? You could have a completely pitch black room and have the movements reflect on the walls as glow in the dark neon colors and the sound get faster based on how much movement was reflecting on the wall.
Another idea would be setting up a group of tredmills to a large screen and each person on the tredmill is a character on the screen and they race.
I think that using the kinect has a lot of potential in gyms since there is an increasing demand for new technology and workouts. A lot of people are becoming more fit because people are getting smarter about taking care of their health. Bringing new ideas into workouts will keep it interesting.

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